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Books- standard search

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Acquisitions in  year
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Search Query Rules ?

Choose the necessary search area (keywords, author, title, year of publication), enter the request in the entry field:

  • When searching by keywords (полнотекстовый поиск) - phrase in the natural language. The phrase is divided into separate words, which get morphologically normalised (only for words in russian!). By keywords searching, the document ranking algorithm is used: the list of search results is sorted in descending order of the document rank. The more words in the found document from the query, the closer these words are to each other and the more their total weight - the higher place of the document in the result of the search.

    Link "Find similar", which is shown in the bibliographic description of the found notes, forms a request for a ranked search including all keywords of the notes.

  • When searching by the author or title - enter the surname or beginning of the title (if it is known). In this case, only one author (or one title) should be introduced.
  • When searching by the year - year of publication (four-digit number).
Having got the result of the search you can in the same way "clarify" Your inquiry (search in the results).

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