
    Medical Chemistry [Text] : book for the medical faculty students / A. G. Kaplaushenko [et al.] ; Zaporizhzhya State Medical University, Department of Physical and Colloid Chemistry. - Lviv : Marchenko T. V., 2021. - 256 p. - Approved at meeting the Central Metodolgical Council of ZSMU and rec. for use in the edication process (protocol of the meeting №3, october 26, 2021) . - Bibliogr. : 254. - ISBN 978-617-7937-49-3
Title translation: Медична хімія

ХИМИЯ -- CHEMISTRY (обучение)
Annotation: The book is prepared in accordance with the program of medical chemistry for conducting classes with students of medical faculties, specialties 222 “Medicine”, 221 “Dentistry”, 224 “Technologies of medical diagnostics and treatment”. The book is based on general themes in medical chemistry. It is recommended for use in the discipline of “Medicinal Chemistry”
Additional Access Points:
Kaplaushenko, A. G.
Каплаушенко А. Г.
Avramenko, A. I.
Авраменко А. І.
Varinsky, B. O.
Варінський Б. О.
Sameliuk, Yu. G.
Самелюк, Ю. Г.
Frolova, Yu. S.
Фролова Ю. С.
Zaporizhzhya State Medical University. Department of Physical and Colloid Chemistry

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