Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 616/S24
Author(s) : Sattar, Husain A.
Title : Fundamentals of Pathology. Medical Course and Step 1 Review
Outputed data : Chicago: Pathoma, 2019
Quantitative characteristics :224 p.: il.
Notes : Index: p. 213-223
ISBN, Price 978-0-9832246-3-1: 150.00 р.
UDC : 616 + 616(075.8)=111
Annotation: Fundamentals of Pathology aims at providing general principles of pathology and its associated disciplines and is not intended as a working guide to patient care, drug administration or treatment. Medicine is a constantly evolving field and changes in practice regularly occur. It is the responsibility of the treating practitioner, relying on independent expertise and knowledge of the patient, to determine the best treatment and method of application for the patient. Neither the publisher nor the author assume any liability for any injury and/or damage to persons or property arising from or related to the material within this publication Furthermore, although care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of information present in this publication, the author and publisher make no representations or warranties whatsoever, express or implied, with respect to the completeness, accuracy or currency of the contents of this publication. This publication is not meant to be a substitute for the advice of a physician or other licensed and qualified medical professional. Information presented in this publication may refer to drugs, devices or techniques which are subject to government regulation, and it is the responsibility of the treating practitioner to comply with all applicable laws
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