Type of document : Multivolume edition
Edition cipher : 617.7/S98
Author(s) :
Title : System of Ophthalmology/ Stewart Duke-Elder [et al.]. Vol. 1: The Eye in Evolution
Outputed data : London: Henry Kimpton, 1958
Quantitative characteristics :843 с.: il.
Price : 118.00 р.
UDC : 617.7 + 617.7=111
Annotation: THE reception accorded to my Textbook of Ophthalmology has persuaded me that there is a need for its continuation in a second edition. The seven volumes of the Textbook took almost a quarter of a century to write, a period unfortunately longer than it might have been owing to the exigencies of war. The first four volumes have long been out of print—and intentionally so because they have long been out of date. It is to be remembered that the second volume was written before the sulphonamides were introduced ; the third before the antibiotics revolutionized the therapeutics of infective diseases ; both of them before the role of viruses in ocular disease was adequately appreciated ; the physiology of the eye of yesterday is unrecognizable when compared with that of today ; even the anatomy has been transformed by more elaborate optical and chemical methods of investigation and the advent of the electron microscope. The re-writing of the whole work if its comprehensive nature were to be retained would be an immense task occupying more time than I could reasonably expect to have at my disposal. Moreover, tomorrow will be different from today, and if a work such as this is to be of any lasting value it would seem to me desirable that a new edition be published at least every fifteen or twenty years ; fortunately, ophthalmology is no static science.
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Duke-Elder, Stewart