Type of document : Multivolume edition
Edition cipher : 617.7/S98
Author(s) :
Title : System of Ophthalmology/ Stewart Duke-Elder [et al.]. Vol. III: Normal and Abnormal Development . Pt. 1 : Embryology
Outputed data : London: Henry Kimpton, 1963
Quantitative characteristics :313 с.: il.
Price : 45.00 р.
UDC : 617.7 + 617.7=111
Annotation: THE combination of normal and abnormal development in one composite volume would seem to be logical since the significance of aberrations cannot be understood without a knowledge of the normal sequence of events, while, on the other hand, the complex story of embryology becomes intensely practical and full of human interest when correlated with the multitude of abnormalities which are so frequently seen in the clinic. So great is the number of these, however, that if they are to be adequately discussed, a single volume would become unmanageable by reason of its bulk; for ease of manipulation and also for ready reference, therefore, I have found it convenient to divide it into two parts. In some ways this is unfortunate, and for a complete understanding both should be read as one.
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Duke-Elder, Stewart