Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 612.015/B60
Author(s) : Mardashko A. A., Mironovych L. M., Stepanow G. F., Storchilo O. V.
Title : Biological and Bioorganical Chemistry : teaching textbook
Outputed data : Kyiv: Caravela, 2010
Quantitative characteristics :240 p.
Notes : Bibliogr. : p. 240
ISBN, Price 966-2229-05-9: 70.00 р.
UDC : 612.015 + 612.015:577.1](075.8)=111 + 577.1(075.8)=111
Annotation: The teaching textbook in the Biological and Bioorganic Chemistry for the students self-study contains the short explanation of all discipline chapters, answers the key control questions in the accordance to the Typical Program of the Ukraine health Ministry. This book will help in the orientation in the big volume of material not only to students of the 1-st and 2-nd course both, which study Bioorganic and Biochemical Chemistry, but to the students of 3-rd and 4-th course for the preparation to the license exam "Crock-1". The book is written for the students of the High Medical School of the III - IY levels of accreditation
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Additional Access Points:
Mardashko, A. A.
Mironovych, L. M.
Stepanow, G. F.
Storchilo, O. V.