Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 612/B 93
Author(s) : Bullock, John M. S., Boyle, Joseph, Wang, Michael B.
Title : Physiology . -2nd ed.
Outputed data : Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1991
Quantitative characteristics :501 с
Series: The National Medical Series for Independent Study
ISBN, Price 0-683-06258-1: 80.00 р.
UDC : 612 + 612(076)=111
Annotation: The books in the basic science group are useful specifically in preparation for course examinations, the National Board Comprehensive Part I Examination, FLEX, and FMGEMS. The clinical science books are intended for use during clinical rotations, preparation for National Board Parts II and III, and FLEX and FMGEMS
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Additional Access Points:
Boyle, Joseph
Wang, Michael B.