Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 611.018/J 74
Author(s) : Johnson, Kurt E.
Title : Histology and cell biology . -2nd ed.
Outputed data : Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1991
Quantitative characteristics :409 с
Series: The National Medical Series for Independent Study
ISBN, Price 0-683-06210-7: 90.00 р.
UDC : 611.018 + 611.018(075.8)=111 + 61:57.086](075.8)=111
Annotation: This book is dedicated to my squash and tennis partners, Steve Goldman, Ron Chander-bahn, Bryant Chomiak, Bob Walker, David Campbell, and Ralph Kramer. The many hours of fun and competition spent with them on the court have contributed immeasurably to my current psychological orientation. They get credit or are to blame, depending on your viewpoint. Whatever, I am grateful for their friendship. Thank you gentlemen! This book also is dedicated to the memory of my late colleague, Ernest N. Albert, Ph.D. He was a good friend and will be missed
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