Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 611.01/B 69
Author(s) : Bobrysheva I. V., Kashchenko S.A.
Title : Histology. Cytology. Embryology : texbook
Outputed data : Lugansk, 2011
Quantitative characteristics :378 с
Team : Lugansk State Medical University
ISBN, Price 978-965-2327-08-3: 150.00 р.
UDC : 611.01 + 611.018(075.8)=111 + 611.018.1(075.8)=111 + 611.01(075.8)=111 + 611.013(075.8)=111
Annotation: This text contains the concise thorough presentation of Cytology, Embryology, General and Special Histology, based on modern information of functional morphology of cells, tissues, different organs and systems. This text was created on the basis of the systematized lecture course on Histology, Cytology and Embryology which is delivered at the Histology, Cytology and Embryology Department of State institution «Lugansk State Medical University» for the students of the Faculties of Medicine and Dentistry. Edition is oriented to the effective learning or revision of course of Cytology, Embryology, General and Special Histology and meant for the students in the health professions and advanced undergraduates
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Kashchenko, S.A.
Lugansk State Medical University