Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 615.32/M46
Author(s) : Kyslychenko V. S., Upyr L. V., Zinchenko I. G., Kyslychenko O. A.
Title : Medicinal Plants Resource Science : hahdbook for students of higher schools
Outputed data : Kharkiv: Golden Pages, 2012
Quantitative characteristics :168 p.
Team : National university of pharmacy
Notes : References: p. 164-166. - Rec. by Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine (Letter № 1/11-4831 from 10.04.2012)
ISBN, Price 978-966-615-411-1: 95.35 р.
UDC : 615.32 + 615.32(075)
Annotation: The first Ukrainian handbook on resource science of medicinal plants in English prepared in accordance with Master of Pharmacy programme. The book describes the contemporary tendencies in plant conservation at regional and international levels, the ways of obtaining the plant material from wild or cultivated plants, the methods of estimating the resource amount and organization of expeditions. For the first time a taxonomic approach to the study of medicinal plants was added to the handbook. This book gives the list of the necessary educational literature in English, and will serve as the basic source of information for the course of resource science of medicinal plants. It is intended for teachers, postgraduate students and students
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Additional Access Points:
Kyslychenko, V. S.
Upyr, L. V.
Zinchenko, I. G.
Kyslychenko, O. A.
Kyslychenko, V. S. \ed.\
National university of pharmacy