Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 611.01/M52
Author(s) : Melnyk, Nataliya
Title : Histology, cytology and embryology : texbook . -3-те вид., випр. і доопрац.
Outputed data : Київ: Книга-плюс, 2015
Quantitative characteristics :416 с.: il.
Notes : Bibliogr.: p. 401; Index: p. 402-415 . - Допущено МОЗ України. Rec. by CMO for Higher Medical Education of Ministry of Health of Ukraine
ISBN, Price 978-966-460-068-9: 300.00 р.
UDC : 611.01 + 611.01(075.8)(076)=111 + 611.013(075.8+076)=111 + 611.018(075.8)(076)=111 + 611.018.1(075.8)(076)=111
Annotation: The textbook has been written to comply with the curriculum in histology, cytology and embryology for the medical faculties of a broad range of institutions of higher education of the 3 and 4th levels of accreditation. The textbook contains main chapters of histology, cytology and embryology, outlines the principal characteristics of each tissues and system of organs. The presented material is based on the most recent developments of the world histology, cytology and embryology, taking advantage of terminology in accordance with the requirements to the international nomenclature (histological, anatomical and physiological)
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Melnyk, N. O. \ed.\