Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 94(477):341.485]"/W37-431146641
Title : We were killed because are ukrainians : [brochure]
Outputed data : Kyiv?, 2019?
Quantitative characteristics :14 p.: il.
Series: Holodomor Victims Memorial
Price : 20.00 р.
UDC : 94(477):341.485]"19" + 94(477):341.485]"19"=111
Annotation: This brochure in your hands provides the general and most important information on the history of the genocide committed by the Bolshevik occupational regime against the Ukrainian nation in 1932-1933. This brochure is about the Holodomor’s HistoryThe team of the National Museum «Holodomor Victims Memorial» prepared an exhibition «We were killed because we are Ukrainians» dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the Holodomor. The exhibition is based on archival documents, evidence of Holodomor witnesses, investigations of scientists proving the crime of genocide against Ukrainians and the responsibility of the Soviet authorities for the murder of millions of children, women and men. The materials of the exhibition formed the basis of this brochure, which explains the causes and preconditions for the Holodomor-genocide, the intention to destroy the Ukrainian nation, the process of committing a crime and its consequences. The brochure draws attention to the necessity to know, to remember, to spread the truth about one of the greatest crimes of the twentieth centuryIn an effort to answer the most common questions about the history of the Holodomor and its law qualifications, we appealed to the criminal case №475 on the fact of committing the crime of genocide of 1932-1933 in Ukraine. Following the mission of the Museum related with a public warning about the crime of genocide, we urge everyone to prevent all cases of hatred and human rights violations. Do not stay aloof. We urge you to remember that human life is the highest value! Our respect for each other, tolerance and a sense of moral responsibility in front of the violantions of the norms of law and freedoms is a major contribution to the preservation and strengthening of democracy in the world. Every fourth Saturday of November, Ukrainians hold the sorrowful events and light the candles in order to honor the memory of Holodomor-genocide victims. This day is a time of unity around national memory, human compassion and the common necessity to live in a democratic world where crimes, like the Holodomor, will not be repeated anywhere and with anybody
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