Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 612/C83
Author(s) : Costanzo, Linda S.
Title : Physiology . -6th ed.
Outputed data : Philadelphia: Elsevier, 2018
Quantitative characteristics :516 p.: il.
Series: Study Smart with Student Consult
Notes : Appendix: p. 483-492. - Index: p. 493-516
ISBN, Price 978-0-323-47881-6: 2021.00 р.
UDC : 612 + 612(076)=111
Annotation: Renowned physiology instructor Dr. Linda Costanzo’s friendly, logical, easy-to-follow writing style makes Physiology, 6th Edition ideal for coursework and USMLE preparation. Well-designed figures and tables provide handy visuals for procedures or physiologic equations, and step-by-step explanations clarify challenging concepts. This full-color, manageably-sized text offers a comprehensive and consistent overview of core physiologic concepts at the organ system and cellular levels, making complex principles easy to understand
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