Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 617-089/G36
Author(s) : Andriushchenko V. P., Bereznytsky Ya. S., Verba A. V., Ganzhiy V. V., Zheliba M. D., Khimich S. D.
Title : General Surgery : textbook : пер. з укр.
Outputed data : Vinnytsia: Nova Knyha, 2019
Quantitative characteristics :328 p.: іл.
Notes : Rec. by Central methodical cabinet of the higher medical education of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (protocol No 2 from 02.06.2017)
ISBN, Price 978-966-382-775-9: 510.00 р.
UDC : 617-089 + 617-089(075.8)=111
Annotation: The contents of the textbook correspond with curriculum for the general practitioner training in connection to the general surgery main topics, that is approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. The textbook contains the main terminological, diagnostic and medical principles of providing medical care to patients with main, socialy significant surgical diseases, along with the questions of surgical care organization, examination and supervision of surgical patients. Well-structured information in the textbook with clearly highlighted main sections of the topic is given according to the professionally-oriented tasks approved by industry standards. Each section of the topic is presented in an algorithmic form, which in authors’ opinion, should facilitate a better understanding of materialby students while using credit-module teaching system. This textbook is intended for the 3rd year students of higher medical universities, III–IV levels of accreditation
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Additional Access Points:
Andriushchenko, V. P.
Bereznytsky, Ya. S.
Verba , A. V.
Ganzhiy, V. V.
Zheliba, M. D.
Желіба М. Д.
Khimich, S. D.
Хіміч С. Д.
Bereznytsky, Ya. S. \ed.\
Zakharash, M. P. \ed.\
Mishalov, V. G. \ed.\
Shidlovsky, V. O. \ed.\