
    Physical and Colloid Chemistry : textbook for students of higher schools / V. I. Kabachnyy [et al.] ; ed. V. I. Kabachnyy ; National university of pharmacy. - Kharkiv : Golden Pages, 2011. - 376 p. - Approved by Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine (Letter № 1/11-7328 from August, 05, 2011). - Lit.: p. 359-361; Index: p. 361-367. - ISBN 978-966-615-395-4

Анотація: The textbook is a stereotype translation from Ukrainian and it is prepared in accordance with the curriculum in Physical and Colloid Chemistry for pharmaceutical higher schools and pharmaceutical faculties of the III—IV level of accreditation. It contains such sections as the fundamentals of chemical thermodynamics, phase equilibria, solutions, electrochemistry, kinetics of chemical reactions, physicochemistry of the surface phenomena and disperse systems, physicochemistry of polymers and their solutions. The importance of the material for pharmacy and medicine is emphasized in each section. The textbook is intended for students, but it is also useful for postgraduate students, lecturers and all practitioners, who want to enrich the knowledge in the field of physical and colloid chemistry
Дод.точки доступу:
Kabachnyy, V. I.
Osipenko, L. K.
Grytsan, L. D.
Kolesnik, V. P.
Kabachnyy, V. I. \ed.\
National university of pharmacy

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