
    Ophthalmology [Text] : textbook for students of higher education establishments - medical universities, institutes and academies / O. P. Vitovska [et al.] ; ed. O. P. Vitovska. - Kyiv : Medicine, 2017. - 648 p. : il. - Approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (letter № 1/11-6779, 15 May 2012). Published pursuant to the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine № 502 of 22 June 2010. Rec. by the Academic Board of O. O. Bogomolets National Medical University (minutes № 13, 25 May 2017). - ISBN 978-617-505-598-4

Анотація: The textbook Ophthalmology is intended to provide medical students, interns, ophthalmology residents, as well as primary care physicians with a general approach to eye exam and treatment of the most common ocular diseases and emergencies.
Дод.точки доступу:
Vitovska, O. P.
Bezditko, P. A.
Bezkorovayna, I. M.
Bezugly, M. B.
Vitovska, O. P. \ed.\

Примірників всього: 276
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