
    Medical and Biological Physics [Text] : textbook for the stud. of higher medical establishments of the IV accreditation level / A. V. Chalyi [et al.] ; ed. Alexander V. Chalyi. - 4th ed. - Vinnytsia : Nova Knyha, 2020. - 480 p. - Rec. by the Ministry of Health Care of Ukraine (the letter № 08.01-47/2735 by 25.12.2009). - Indexes: p. 471-476. - ISBN 978-966-382-804-6

БИОФИЗИКА -- BIOPHYSICS (методы, обучение)
Анотація: The book is aimed ai elucidating the most important aspects of the medical and biological physics in accordance with the program asserted by the Ministry of Health Care of Ukraine, and written for the students of higher medical institutions as well as for teachers, scientific researchers and all those readers interested in modem problems of the medical and biological physics
Дод.точки доступу:
Chalyi, A. V.
Tsekhmister, Y. V.
Agapov, B. T.
Stuchynska, N. V.
Chalyi, Alexander V. \ed.\

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