Форма документа : Багатотомне видання
Шифр видання : 617.7/S98
Автор(и) :
Назва : System of Ophthalmology/ Stewart Duke-Elder [et al.]. Vol. II: The Anatomy of the Visual System
Вихідні дані : London: Henry Kimpton, 1961
Кільк.характеристики :901 с.: il.
Ціна : 120.00 р.
УДК : 617.7 + 617.7=111
Анотація: THIS book forms a new edition of the section of anatomy in my Textbook of Ophthalmology. Its greater bulk is due partly to the fact that anatomy today is in no sense a dead subject but is rapidly growing, and partly because the text has been amplified in two respects. In the first place, I have paid considerable attention to the historical development of the subject ; apart from its great intrinsic interest, it cannot be denied that an appreciation of how our knowledge has evolved through the years not only makes its factual presentation a living story of triumphs and mistakes, but has a salutary effect in convincing the reader that what we accept today with apparent assurance will almost certainly be changed tomorrow. I have also stressed more than is perhaps usual the functional aspects of structure. In the Textbook, anatomy and physiology were contained within the same volume so that it was easy for the one to supplement the other ; but a treatise on structure alone with no indication of why it is so constituted is meaningless and lacks its essential interest
Примірники :ІЛ(1)
Вільні : ІЛ(1)
Дод.точки доступу:
Duke-Elder, Stewart