Форма документа : Однотомне видання
Шифр видання : 617-089/D23
Автор(и) : Das S.
Назва : A Concise Textbook of Surgery . -1st ed.
Вихідні дані : Calcutta, 1994
Кільк.характеристики :1266 p.: il.
Ціна : 150.00 р.
УДК : 617-089 + 617-089(075.8)=111 + 617.5-089(075.8)=111
Анотація: While I was a medical student, I felt dearth of a single comprehensive textbook in Surgery which could provide all the informations an undergraduate should know to become a full-fledged doctor. My friends also shared the same idea. Most textbooks of Surgery originate from the West and present whimsical and often desultory approach to the subject. These authors deal with certain topics of their interests in great depth while leave other topics which are not of their interest though of similar importance, if not more, to the students So being constantly insisted and hard pressed by my beloved colleagues and students, I ultimately ventured to write a Textbook on Surgery, which should be complete, comprehensive and exam-oriented. My intention has been to write in aclear, concise and easily understandable way, in my own style keeping always a vigilant watch to the students’ interest. I was never keen in providing numerous illustrations in this treatise, as I had already submitted a total of more than 1,500 illustrations in my other three well-established books — ’A Manual On Clinical Surgery’, ’A Practical Guide To Operative Surgery’ and ’A Textbook On Surgical Short Cases . I did not want to repeat my illustrations from these books. In this text I have included more than 400 illustrations, which I think will help the students in understanding the subject.
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