Форма документа : Однотомне видання
Шифр видання : 616.5/K 70
Автор(и) : Koliadenko V. H., Vysochanska T. P., Denysenko O. I.
Назва : Dermatovenereology modules : manual
Вихідні дані : Kyiv: Medicine, 2010
Кільк.характеристики :232 с.: il.
Переклад видання: Коляденко В.Г. Дерматовенерологія в модулях/ В.Г. Коляденко, Т.П. Височанська, О.І. Денисенко. -Київ, 2010
Примітки : Rec. by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
ISBN, Ціна 978-617-505-093-4: 98.00, 140.00, 98.00, р.
УДК : 616.5 + 616.5(075.8)(076)=111 + 616.97(075.8)(076)=111
Анотація: The manual has been compiled in accordance with the credit module system, requirements of the Bologna Process, demands and normative directions of the Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine. The manual aims to increase the efficiency of theoretical and practical dermato-venereology studying. The manual contains up-to-date information on the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of skin and venereal diseases. It also covers modern methods of clinical investigation and dermato-venereologic patient examination. The educational material in the manual is divided into thirteen thematic modules according to the syllabus of the dermato-venereology discipline. The manual is recommended for students of higher medical institutions of the III-IV accreditation levels of the specialities Medical Business and Pediatry. The textbook will also be useful for interns, dermatovenereologists, and general practitioners
Примірники : всього 25: ІЛ(233)
Вільні : ІЛ(223)
Дод.точки доступу:
Vysochanska, T. P.
Denysenko, O. I.
Коляденко, В. Г.
Височанська, Т. П.
Денисенко, О. І.