Форма документа : Однотомне видання
Шифр видання : 159.923/C85
Автор(и) : Covey, Stephen
Назва : The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People : Powerful Lessons in Personal Change
Вихідні дані : New York: Simon & Schuster, 2019?
Кільк.характеристики :398 p.
ISBN, Ціна 978-1-47113-182-0: 120.00 р.
УДК : 159.923 + 101
Анотація: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People has captivated readers for 25 years. It has transformed the lives of Presidents and CEOS, educators and parents — in short, millions of people of all ages and occupations have used its step-by-step pathway to adapt to change and to take advantage of the opportunities that change creates. Recognized as one of Time magazine's 25 most influential Americans, STEPHEN R. COVEY was an internationally respected leadership authority, family expert, teacher, organizational consultant and author. His books have sold more than 25 million copies in 38 languages, and The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People was named the No.l Most Influential Business Book of the Twentieth Century. After receiving an MBA from Harvard and a doctorate degree from Brigham Young University, he became the co-founder and vice chairman of FranklinCovey, the leading global professional services firm
Примірники :ІЛ(1)
Вільні : ІЛ(1)
Дод.точки доступу:
Collins, Jim. \foreword.\