Форма документа : Однотомне видання
Шифр видання : 616/M78
Автор(и) : Mohan, Harsh
Назва : Pathology Quick Review and MCQs : based on Textbook of Pathology . -4th ed.
Вихідні дані : New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical, 2015
Кільк.характеристики :667 p.
Примітки : Appendix: p. 622-650. - Index: p. 651-667
ISBN, Ціна 978-93-5152-370-3: 250.00 р.
УДК : 616 + 616(076)(079.1)=111 + 61:378](540)=111
Анотація: The seventh edition of the renowned Textbook of Pathology, by Harsh Mohan, has been fully revised to provide the most up to date information on the latest developments in the field. Divided into three sections - General Pathology, Haematology and Lymphoreticular Tissues, and Systemic Pathology - the new edition covers numerous diseases, their causes, mechanisms, pathophysiology, classification, morphology, and clinical aspects
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