Форма документа : Однотомне видання
Шифр видання : 61:378/P56
Автор(и) : Voloshchuk N. I., Denisyuk O. M., Pashinska O. S., Drachyk O. P., Alchuk A. I., Shevchuk O. V., Sayenko A. V., Taran I. V., Grimalovska O. V., Orlenko O. B.
Назва : Pharmacology. Methodical Instruction for Practical Classes : for English-speaken students of medical and stomatological faculties
Вихідні дані : Vinnytsya, 2019
Кільк.характеристики :259 p.
Колективи : National Pirogov Memorial Medical University
Примітки : Bibliogr. at the end of the chap.
Ціна : 100.00 р.
УДК : 61:378 + 615(072)=111 + 61:378]=111
Анотація: Pharmacology is science about action of medicines of natural and synthetic origin which are used for the medical treatment and in prophylactic of different diseases and pathological states of men and animals. One of important tasks of pharmacology is based on search of new medicines. Course aim: after the study of the subject the students must know how to make out prescriptions in different medical forms which are included in the program of the discipline, and also their group belonging, basic mechanisms of action, features of pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic, indications and contra-indication to application, side effects, co-operation, with others medicinesThe doctor must know pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic, medical preparations and know how prescribe the drugs, but he must also have a theoretical basis of pharmacology. Important value of pharmacology as a theoretical medical science are interlinks with practice, being applied science, the pharmacology interlinks with different brunches of theoretical and practical medicine. So, pharmacology influences the development of many medical and biological disciplines, especially physiology and biochemistry
Примірники :ІЛ(1)
Вільні : ІЛ(1)
Дод.точки доступу:
Voloshchuk, N. I.
Denisyuk, O. M.
Pashinska, O. S.
Drachyk, O. P.
Alchuk, A. I.
Shevchuk, O. V.
Sayenko, A. V.
Taran, I. V.
Grimalovska, O. V.
Orlenko, O. B.
Voloshchuk, N. I. \ed.\
National Pirogov Memorial Medical University