Форма документа : Однотомне видання
Шифр видання : 616.1/.9/K91
Автор(и) : Kumar, Parveen, Clark, Michael
Назва : 1000 Questions and Answers from Clinical Medicine . -2nd ed.
Вихідні дані : Edinburgh [etc.]: Elsevier Saunders, 2011
Кільк.характеристики :313 p.
Серія: Kumar & Clark Family
Примітки : Index: p. 293-313
ISBN, Ціна 978-0-7020-4436-6: 125.00 р.
УДК : 616.1/.9 + 616.1/.9(076)(079.1)=111
Анотація: What causes hypertension in children?Is it common for epileptic patients to have post-ictal vomiting? If so, how often does this occur? Why is the incidence of parkinsonism less common in smokers? What is the role of urine examination in diabetic control?The ‘Ask the Author’ online feature from the best-selling I MEDICINE textbook Kumar & Clark’s Clinical Medicine has collected a wealth of questionsand comments directly from medical students and doctors about topics that are of particular interest or difficulty to them
Примірники :ІЛ(1)
Вільні : ІЛ(1)
Дод.точки доступу:
Clark, Michael