
    Physical and Colloid Chemistry [Text] : guide to laboratory works : manual for students of pharmaceutical higher scools / V. I. Kabachnyy [et al.] ; ed. V. I. Kabachnyy ; National university of pharmacy. - Kharkiv : Golden Pages, 2012. - 208 p. - Approved by Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine (Letter № 1/12-14410 from 12.09.2012). - Appendix: p. 195-205; Lit.: p. 205-207. - ISBN 978-966-615-410-4

Аннотация: The present manual comprises laboratory works and test questions and problems in basic sections of Physical and Colloid Chemistry course: Thermochemistry, Phase Equilibria in Two- and Three-component Systems, Solutions, Electrochemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Surface Phenomena, Physical Chemistry of Disperse Systems and Polymers. Every chapter and laboratory work is preceded by a brief theoretical introduction, several variants how to carry out the work using different substances are given (including pharmaceutical ones), methods and equipment to be used in researches are described. The manual is intended for students of all specialities of pharmacy higher schools and faculties. It may also be of use for teachers and post-graduates, as well as practitioners interested in problems of physical and colloidal chemistry
Доп.точки доступа:
Kabachnyy, V. I.
Kolesnik, V. P.
Grytsan, L. D.
Osipenko, L. K.
Kabachnyy, V. I. \ed.\
National university of pharmacy

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