Cipher: ВУ18/2016/4

Вісник фармації
2016year № 4
Determination of the content of benzocaine and penicillin-G-procaine in combined finished dosage forms using tropaeolin O azo dye. - С.3-8
Other authors: Smolinska M. Ya., Kotsiumbas I. Ya., Teslyar G. Yu., Yurkevych M. V.
Blazheyevskiy, M. The quantitative determination of hydrogen peroxide by voltammetry on the carbositall electrode / M. Blazheyevskiy, O. Mozgova. - С.9-13
Grytsan, L. D. Some applications of physicochemical analysis in pharmacy / L. D. Grytsan. - С.14-16
The synthesis and the antimicrobial activity of the substituted arylamides of 3-arylmethyl-2,4-dioxo-1,3,7-triazaspiro[4.4]nonane-7-carboxylic acids. - С.17-21
Other authors: Krolenko K. Yu., Vlasov S. V., Vlasova O. D., Zhuravel I. O.
The use of analytical methods for quality control of promising active pharmaceutical ingredients among derivatives of 4-oxo-quinoline-3-propanoic acids. - С.22-30
Other authors: Zubkov V. O., Ruschak N. I., Suleiman M. M., Devyatkina A. O., Gritsenko I. S.
Stremoukhov, O. O. The study of fatty and organic acids of Vaccinium uliginosum leaves / O. O. Stremoukhov, O. M. Koshovyi, O. I. Zalyubovs’ka. - С.31-33
Stadnichenko, O. V. The study of the lipid membrane charge effect when creating liposomes with oxaliplatin / O. V. Stadnichenko, Yu. M. Krasnopolsky, T. G. Yamykh. - С.34-37
Fedorovska, M. Development of the composition of the gel base for treating telogen effluvium / M. Fedorovska, N. PoIovko. - С.38-42
Shmalko, O. O. The study on the choice of flavours for the herbal syrup with the hepatotropic action / O. O. Shmalko, L. I. Vyshnevska, V. A. Megalinskyi. - С.43-45
Development of the original method for determination of diclofenac sodium in different drug dosage forms. - С.46-49
Other authors: Khanin V. A., Kotenko O. M., Moiseev O. O., Dorovskyy O. V.
Petravska, L. S. Assessment of the main trends of developing the market of foaming detergents in Ukraine / L. S. Petravska. - С.50-53
Zarichkova, M. V. The scientific summary of monitoring results of expenditure for social protection in the European union and Ukraine / M. V. Zarichkova. - С.54-58
Determination of toxicity of new benzilic acid derivatives. - С.59-61
Other authors: Tryshchuk N. M., Kireyev I. V., Kolisnyk S. V., Sytnik K. M.
The effect of the mixtures with biologically active substances from Fraxinus excelsior and Phlomis pungens on the resistance to hypoxia in white rats compared to the action of a-tocopherol and mexidol. - С.62-65
Other authors: Takhirov I. A., Asmetov V. Y., Suleymanov T. A., Abdulkerimova F. D., Ganiev M. M., Akhmedov E. Yu.
The anti-allergic and antihistaminic properties of hydrobromide 2-[4-(4’-chlorophenyl)-2-phenyliminothiazol-3-yl]-ethanol. - С.66-69
Other authors: Koshova O. Yu., Ieryomina H. O., Perekhoda L. O., Yeryomina Z. G.
Derkach, N. M. The antimicrobial action of decamethoxinum substance at different pH values / N. M. Derkach, Z. S. Suvorova. - С.70-75
До 60-річчя професора кафедри технології ліків Національного фармацевтичного університету, доктора фармацевтичних наук Котенка Олександра Михайловича. - С.76-77
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