Gonchar, O. A.
    Time-dependent effect of severe hypoxia/reoxygenation on oxidative stress level, antioxidant capacity and p53 accumulation in mitochondria of rat heart / O. A. Gonchar, I. N. Mankovska // The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal. - 2017. - Том 89, N 6. - P39-47

СЕРДЦЕ -- HEART (патофизиология)
АНОКСИЯ -- ANOXIA (патофизиология)
Annotation: The intensity of oxidative stress, protein expression of antiapoptotic Bcl-2 as well as antioxidant enzymes manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and their regulator p53 were studied in the mitochondria of rat heart. Sessions of repeated hypoxia/reoxygenation ((H/R), 5 cycles of 10 min hypoxia (5.5% O[[d]]2[[/d]] in N[[d]]2[[/d]]) alternated with 10 min normoxia, daily) were performed in our study. It was shown that short-term sessions of H/R (during 1-3 days) caused a significant increase in the oxidative stress markers (ROS formation and lipid peroxidation), mitochondrial p53 translocation, a decrease in MnSOD­ protein expression/activity and Bcl-2 protein content, but up-regulated GPx. We have demonstrated that prolonged H/R (7-14 days) induced myocardial tolerance to fluctuation in oxygen levels that was associa­ted with the reduction in mitochondrial p53 protein content, elevation of mitochondrial Bcl-2 protein level, and increase in antioxidant capacity. A close correlation between the mitochondrial p53 accumulation and ROS formation as well as the activity and protein content of MnSOD and GPx allowed us to assume that p53 took an active part in the regulation of prooxidant/antioxidant balance in mitochondria of rat heart during repeated H/R
Additional Access Points:
Mankovska, I. N.

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