Cipher: ВУ18/2018/3

Вісник фармації
2018year № 3
До 80-річчя з дня народження Лауреата Державної премії України в галузі науки і техніки, Заслуженого діяча науки і техніки України, заслуженого винахідника СРСР, академіка Української АН, доктора фармацевтичних наук, заслуженого професора НФаУ Тихонова Олександра Івановича. - С.3-4
Syumka, Y. I. The synthesis of mono-and bis-derivatives of spiro-2-oxindole[3,3’]pyrrole and the study of their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities / Y. I. Syumka [et al.]. - С.5-13
Other authors: Kravchenko A. B., Chernykh V. P., Shemchuk L. A.
Sydora, N. V. The study of the carbohydrate composition of hawthorn fruits / N. V. Sydora, A. M. Kovaleva, V. K. Iakovenko. - С.14-18
Shynkovenko, I. L. Phenolic compounds of the liquid extract from cleavers herb (Galium aparine L.) / I. L. Shynkovenko [et al.]. - С.19-24
Other authors: Ilyina T. V., Kovalyova A. M., Goryacha O. V., Golembiovska O. I., Shemchuk N. S., Komissarenko A. М.
Hordiei, K. R. The study on the elemental composition of the feverfew herb (Tanacetum parthenium (L.) Schultz bip.) / K. R. Hordiei, T. M. Gontova, M. Y. Zolotaikina. - С.25-29
Polischuk, I. M. The study of phenolic compounds and the antimicrobial action of the alcoholic extract from the cake of the red raspberry fruit / I. M. Polischuk [et al.]. - С.30-33
Other authors: Koshovyi O. M., Osolodchenko T. P., Komissarenko M. A.
Romanenko, Ye. A. The study of the chemical composition of the components of the motherwort herb / Ye. A. Romanenko [et al.]. - С.34-38
Other authors: Koshovyi O. M., Komissarenko A. M., Golembiovska O. I., Gladyish Yu. I.
Rybachuk, V. D. The choice of the quantitative composition of excipients when creating the natural zeolite paste / V. D. Rybachuk. - С.39-43
Nemchenko, A. S. The study of the state of pharmaceutical provision for patients with cardiovascular diseases using ABC- and VEN-analyses / A. S. Nemchenko, V. N. Nazarkina, Yu. Ye. Kurylenko. - С.44-48
Germanyuk, T. A. The study of the effectiveness of the combined therapy of diabetes mellitus based on the pharmacoeconomic analysis in Ukraine / T. A. Germanyuk, T. I. Ivko, L. A. Bobrytska. - С.49-53
Volkovoy, V. A. The study of the wound healing effect of ointment from the meal of black alder leaves (Alnus Glutinosa) on the model of planar wounds / V. A. Volkovoy [et al.]. - С.54-58
Other authors: Derkach N. V., Bahlai T. O., Yeromenko O. D., Karabut L. V.
Drachuk, V. M. The effect of derivatives of sulfur-containing amino acids (ademetionine, taurine and glutathione) on survival of animals with acute kidney injury of various genesis / V. M. Drachuk [et al.]. - С.59-63
Other authors: Zamorskii I. I., Shchudrova T. S., Goroshko O. M.
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