Oncology in the mainstream of the National academy of sciences of Ukraine: to the 100th anniversary of the academy / ed. V. F. Chekhun // Experimental Oncology. - 2018. - Том 40, N 4. - P258-260

ОНКОЛОГИЯ МЕДИЦИНСКАЯ -- MEDICAL ONCOLOGY (организация и управление, тенденции)
АКАДЕМИИ И ИНСТИТУТЫ -- ACADEMIES AND INSTITUTES (история, организация и управление, тенденции)
Annotation: Fluctuation of time is determined by the order and sequence of historical events of global and/or local scale, the harmonization of which reflects the dyna­mics of the development of society. The top of universal values of this process was and remains the aca­demic science, which is based on the principles of an inextricable triad: education, science and culture. The intellectual and creative “explosion” of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century has fundamentally changed human consciousness and priority values. Along with the knowledge of physical, natural phenome­na and the search for energy sources, man has become not only a subject, but also an object of research. The pace of development of the life sciences reached the apogee. The struggle for higher expectancy and quality of life is a priority of mo­dern science. The key problem of biomedical research has been and remains malignant neoplasms, which dynamics becomes a threat of civilizational scale
Additional Access Points:
Chekhun, V. F. \ed.\

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