Cipher: ЕУ12/2021/43/2

Экспериментальная онкология [Text]
2021year Т. 43 № 2
Vitruk, Yu. V. Evaluation of response to tyrosine kinase inhibitors in renal cell carcinoma patients based on expression of miR-99b, -144, -210, -222, -302a and -377 in tumor tissue / Yu. V. Vitruk [et al.]. - С.98-103
Other authors: Semko S. L., Voylenko O. A., Pikul M. V., Borikun T. V., Zadvornyi T. V., Yalovenko T. M., Stakhovsky E. O., Rossylna O. V.
Pyaskovskaya, O. N. Role of tumor/endothelial cell interactions in tumor growth and metastasis / O. N. Pyaskovskaya [et al.]. - С.104-110
Other authors: Kolesnik D. L., Garmanchouk L. V., Yanish Yu. V., Solyanik G. I.
Akalovich, S. 5-FU resistens colorectal cancer cells possess improved invasiveness and βIII-tubulin expression / S. Akalovich [et al.]. - С.111-117
Other authors: Portyanko A., Pundik A., Mezheyeuski A., Doroshenko T.
Bychkov, V. A. In vitro modeling of tumor interclonal interactions using breast cancer cell lines / V. A. Bychkov [et al.]. - С.118-124
Other authors: Pevzner A. M., Nebova J. A., Ermakova N. N., Ibragimova M. K., Tsyganov M. M., Lyapunova L. S., Litviakov N. V.
Ayyildiz, A. Co-administration of apigenin with doxorubicin enhanges anti-migration and antiproliferative effects via PI3K/PTEN/AKT pathway in prostate cancer cells / A. Ayyildiz [et al.]. - С.125-134
Other authors: Koc H., Turkekul K., Erdogan S.
Buchynska, L. G. Expression of chemokine receptor CXCR4 in tumor cells and content of CXCL12+ -fibroblasts in endometrioid carcinoma of endometrium / L. G. Buchynska, O. M. Movchan, N. P. Iurchenko. - С.135-141
Yakovlev, P. G. Expression of TLR4 and major inflammatory cytokines in patients with bladder cancer of different grade and stage / P. G. Yakovlev [et al.]. - С.142-148
Other authors: Gorbach O. I., Ostapchenko L. I., Garmanchuk L. V., Skachkova O. V., Khranovska N. M., Senchylo N. V.
Zoubi, M. S. RAD51-UTR haplotype genetic polymorphisms and susceptibility to breast cancer in women from Jordanian population / M. S. Zoubi [et al.]. - С.149-154
Other authors: Al-Eitan L. N., Rababa D. M., Al-Batayneh K., Farzand R., Quinn G. A., Tambuwala M. M., Bakshi H. A.
Kornatska, A. G. A variant of TP53 gene (RS 1625895, 13494G>A) is associated with neoplasm localization in patients with uterine leiomyoma / A. G. Kornatska [et al.]. - С.155-158
Other authors: Flaksemberg M. A., Chubei G. V., Trokhymovych O. V., Rossokha Z. I., Fishchuk L. Ye., Medvedieva N. L., Vershyhora V. O., Gorovenko N. G.
Mohamed, Yusoff A. A. Significance of BRAFv600E mutation in intra-axial brain tumor in Malaysian patients: case series and literature review / A. A. Mohamed Yusoff [et al.]. - С.159-167
Other authors: Abd Radzak S. M., Mohd Khair S. Z. N., Abdullah J. M.
Ben, Kridis W. Therapeutic results of laryngeal preservation: a retrospective study / W. Ben Kridis [et al.]. - С.168-172
Other authors: Werda I., Mnejja W., Toumi N., Charfeddine I., Daoud J., Khanfir A.
Pilinska, M. A. Study of modifyng effects of astaxanthin on cytogenetic manifestations of bystander response in human peripheral blood lymphocytes in vitro / M. A. Pilinska [et al.]. - С.173-176
Other authors: Shemetun O. V., Talan O. O., Dibska O. B., Talko V. V.
De, Giorgi V. Scrotal cutaneous metastasis from rectal squamous cell carcinoma: a rare evolution into a rare tumor / V. De Giorgi [et al.]. - С.177-179
Other authors: Venturi F., Portelli F., Maida P., Scarfi F., Trane L., Gori A., Silvestri F., Massi D.
Liubota, R. Systemic chemotherapeutic treatment of patients with breast cancer brain metastases / R. Liubota [et al.]. - С.180-184
Other authors: Vereshchako R., Anikusko M., Liubota I., Vakulenko G.
Pasichnyk, S. M. Predicting changes in glomerular filtration rate in patients with kidney cancer using a mathematical model / S. M. Pasichnyk [et al.]. - С.185-188
Other authors: Pasichnyk M. S., Lychkovsky A. E., Stakhovsky E. O., Gozhenko A. I., Shatnyi S. V., Pasichnyk M. A.
Gluzman, D. F. Long-term exposure to low doses of ionizing radiation and COVID-19 pandemic: oncohematological aspects / D. F. Gluzman [et al.]. - С.189-192
Other authors: Zavelevich M. P., Philchenkov A. A., Koval S. V., Guslitser L. N., Zinchenko V. N., Bezhenar T. O.
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