Khodorovskyi, G. I.
    Hormone-associated metabolic disorders of the oral cavity organs in women of reproductive age / G. I. Khodorovskyi, L. V. Panina, T. S. Shchurko // Пробл. ендокринної патології. - 2021. - N 4. - P127-134

Annotation: There is emerging evidence of a possible relationship between the oral cavity and reproductive organs. Recent studies suggest these functional relations. The aim of this review was to synthesize the available evidence on this relationship. Clinical observation established that sex hormones enhance gingival inflammation in periodontal healthy women during pregnancy and that periodontal condition is associated with variation of sex hormones in blood. Estrogen regulates DNA synthesis in human gingival epithelial cells and periodontal ligament, estrogen reduces down regulation of cytokines. Estrogen and progesterone affect the periodontium via appropriate receptors (estrogen receptor and progesterone receptor). They are localized in human periodontium, demonstrating that periodontal tissues are the target tissues for these hormones. Testosterone receptors are found in the periodontal tissues. It inhibits prostaglandin secretion and reduces interleukin production. At the same time testosterone stimulates osteoblast proliferation and differentiation, also enhances matrix synthesis by fibroblast, osteoblasts, and periodontal ligament. The role of testosterone in the formation of teeth is demonstrated in the paper. In females and males, in saliva there are sex steroid hormones. The study examined the entry mode of hormones into saliva. The results suggest that lipid soluble unconjugated steroids (estriol, testosterone, progesterone) enter saliva via intracellular route; the conjugated steroids (lipid insoluble (dehydroepiandrosterone, conjugated estrogens)) enter via the ‘tight junctions’ (infiltrations through the tight junctions between the acinar cells). Recent evidence indicates that organs of the oral cavity (salivary glands, periodontal tissues, oral epithelial cells mucus) produce ghrelin-hormone which affects organs of the reproductive system directly or indirectly via hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. In all these organs, there is an appropriate receptor. In conclusion, the organs of oral cavity and organs of reproductive system are functionally linked by sex steroid hormones and ghrelin, besides that periodont can influence ovaries by neuro-reflectory link
Дослідження останніх років все більше уваги приділяють можливостям функціональних зв’язків між органами ротової порожнини і репродуктивними органами. Встановлено наявність статевих гормонів в органах ротової порожнини, які є мішенями до цих гормонів, а також до рецепторів греліна в репродуктивних органах до греліна-гормона, який продукується органами ротової порожнини. Таким чином між органами ротової порожнини і репродуктивними органами забезпечується функціональний двосторонній зв’язок. Крім того, пародонт впливає на функцію яєчників нервово-рефлекторним шляхом
Additional Access Points:
Panina, L. V.
Shchurko, T. S.

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