Title of magazine :Экспериментальная онкология -2018year т.40,N 1
Interesting articles :
Kian R. Role of components of microRNA machinery in carcinogenesis/ R. Kian, S. Moradi, S. Ghorbian (стр.2-9)
Patel K. R. Clinical implications of p53 alterations in oral cancer progression: a review from India/ K. R. Patel [та ін.] (стр.10-18)
Varela-Castillo O. Characterization of the cytotoxic effects of the combination of cisplatin and flavanol (-)-epicatechin on human lung cancer cell line A549. An isobolographic approach/ O. Varela-Castillo [та ін.] (стр.19-23)
Chaves K. C. B. Impact of endostatin gene therapy on myeloid-derived suppressor cells from a metastatic renal cell carcinoma/ K. C. B. Chaves [та ін.] (стр.24-32)
Sarnatskaya V. V. Highly activated carbon enterosorbent mediates the suppression of paraneoplastic syndrome associated with lewis lung carcinoma in mice/ V. V. Sarnatskaya [та ін.] (стр.33-41)
Boroday N. V. Morphological features of doxorubicin-resistant Walker 256 carcinosarcoma and response of mast cells/ N. V. Boroday, V. F. Chekhun (стр.42-47)
Kurtenkov O. Signatures of anti-Thomsen — friedenreich antigen antibody diversity in colon cancer patients/ O. Kurtenkov, M. Bubina, K. Klaamas (стр.48-58)
Paliychuk O. V. Molecular-genetic models for prognosis of development of tumors of reproductive system in women with family history of cancer/ O. V. Paliychuk [та ін.] (стр.59-67)
Buchynska L. G. Sensitivity to 4-hydroxyestradiol and dna repair efficiency in peripheral blood lymphocytes of endometrial cancer patients/ L. G. Buchynska, O. V. Brieieva (стр.68-72)
Lozynska L. Y. Variant of rare hermansky — pudlak syndrome associated with granulomatous colitis: diagnostics clinical course and treatment/ L. Y. Lozynska [та ін.] (стр.73-78)
Zubenko O. S. Effect of cytostatic agents on expression levels of human beta-defensins-1-4 in A431 and MCF-7 cell lines/ O. S. Zubenko [та ін.] (стр.79-81)
Imaniar R. Mediastinal yolk sac tumor infiltrating the heart/ R. Imaniar [та ін.] (стр.82-84)
Ben Kridis W. A long survival of a patient with brain metastasis of unknown site of the primary tumor/ Kridis W. Ben [та ін.] (стр.85-87)
Symposium and Summer School “Fundamental principles of cancer biotherapy” Kyiv Ukraine May 21-24 2018 (стр.88)
Interesting articles :
Additional Access Points:
Kian, R.
Patel, K. R.
Varela-Castillo, O.
Chaves, K. C. B.
Sarnatskaya, V. V.
Boroday, N. V.
Kurtenkov, O.
Paliychuk, O. V.
Buchynska, L. G.
Lozynska, L. Y.
Zubenko, O. S.
Imaniar, R.
Ben, Kridis W.
Moradi, S.
Vajaria, B. N.
Cordero, P.
Costa, E. M.
Sakhno, L. A.
Chekhun, V. F.
Bubina, M.
Polishchuk, L. Z.
Brieieva, O. V.
Plawski, A.
Semeniuk, D. O.
Syahruddin, E.
Sghaier, S.
Ghorbian, S.
Singh, R. D.
Gutierrez-Iglesias, G.
Teixeira, L. F.
Paziuk, L. M.
Klaamas, K.
Rossokha, Z. I.
Lozynska, M. R.
Starenka, I. O.
Soepandi, P. Z.
Toumi, N.
Begum, R.
Patel, P. S.
Palma, I.
Rubio-Gayosso, I.
Meaney, E.
Ramirez-Sanchez, I.
Villarreal, F.
Ceballos, G.
Najera, N.
Bellini, M. H.
Yushko, L. A.
Rodionova, N. K.
Maslenny, V. N.
Sydorenko, A. S.
Nikolaev, V. G.
Vytvytskyi, I.
Lozynskyi, R. Y.
Prokopchuk, N.
Tretiak, B.
Pogribnyy, P. V.
Putra, A. C.
Nurwidya, F.
Boudawara, Z.
Khanfir, A.
Daoud, J.
Frikha, M.