Some variants of blood supply and innervation of the gluteal and posterior femoral areas in fetus [Текст] = Деякі варіанти кровопостачання та іннервації м’язів сідничної та задньої стегнової ділянок у плодів / A. M. Pryshlyak [и др.] // Biomedical and Biosocial Anthropology. - 2016. - № 26. - С. 92-94. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.

ПЛОД -- FETUS (анатомия и гистология, кровоснабжение, физиология)
МЫШЦА СКЕЛЕТНАЯ -- MUSCLE, SKELETAL (анатомия и гистология, иннервация, кровоснабжение)
Анотація: Macroscopic research of intramuscular nerves and blood vessels in a deepness of the external pelvic muscular group and posterior muscles of thigh held on 12 preparations of human fetuses 6-7 month old. There were identified additional sources of innervation of quadratus femoris muscle and internal obturatory, gemelli, biceps and semitendinosus muscles. Gates that nerves entering into deepness of the pelvic and thigh muscles are not always coincide with the places where arteries enter there. Direction of intramuscular nerves and arteries in thickness of the muscles as well as the type of branching in the same muscle can be different
Дод.точки доступу:
Pryshlyak, A. M.
Reminetskyy, B. Y.
Stakhurska, I. O.
Shchur, O. M.

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