Пропіснова, В. В.
    Антациди для дітей: клініко-фармацевтичний аналіз фармринку України [Текст] / В. В. Пропіснова, О. О. Андрєєва // Клініч. фармація. - 2018. - Том 22, № 2. - С. 10-20

ИЗЖОГА -- HEARTBURN (лекарственная терапия)
Анотація: One of the main symptoms of acid-dependent conditions, gastroesophageal reflux disease, peptic duodenal ulcer and functional dyspepsia is heartburn. This condition is characterized by an unpleasant, sometimes painful sensation of burning in the epigastric region and behind the sternum accompanied with a sour taste in the mouth. Heartburn affects the emotional state of a patient and leads to reduction of the quality of his/her life. The symptom of heartburn can bother not only adults but also children; moreover, the physiological inconsistency of the cardiac sphincter, etc., can be added to its provoking factors, in addition to errors in nutrition and the presence of the gastrointestinal tract diseases. The main drugs for stopping heartburn are antacids, as well as medicines containing alginic acid
Дод.точки доступу:
Андрєєва, О. О.

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