Saponins of the extracts of Galium aparine and Galium verum [Text] / I. L. Shynkovenko [et al.] // Вісн. фармації. - 2018. - № 4. - P16-23

Анотація: To determine the qualitative composition and the quantitative content of saponins in the liquid extracts of the herb of cleavers (Galium aparine L.) and lady’s bedstraw (Galium verum L.). Materials and methods. Extracts of the herb of cleavers and lady’s bedstraw were obtained by the triple extraction of the raw material with 96 % ethanol when heating with the subsequent concentration of the combined extracts to the ratio of the raw material : the finished product of 1:1. Saponins were studied by the method of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Results. As a result of the chromatographic study of extracts of the herb of cleavers and lady’s bedstraw it has been found that they contain 6 and 7 saponins, respectively. The compounds belong to ursane (ursolic, euscaphic, tormentic acids and uvaol), oleanane (oleanolic acid) and lupane (betulin and lupeol) type. In the extract from the herb of cleavers the compounds of ursane derivatives (50 mg/ml) prevail, the dominant compound is euscaphic acid (3.34 mg/ml); in the extract from the herb of lady’s bedstraw there are saponins of lupane derivatives (2.50 mg/ml), lupeol (1.60 mg/ml) is predominant. Conclusions. The results obtained indicate the prospects for further in-depth study of the chemical composition and biological activity of the liquid extracts from the herb of cleavers and lady’s bedstraw
Дод.точки доступу:
Shynkovenko, I. L.
Ilyina, T. V.
Kovalyova, A. M.
Goryacha, O. V.
Golembiovska, O. I.
Koshovyi, O. M.

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