Гур’єв, С. О.
    Віково-статева характеристика постраждалих з інфекційними ускладненнями політравми в результаті ДТП [Текст] / С. О. Гур’єв, П. В. Танасієнко, І. В. Ковалишин // Травма. - 2019. - Том 20, N 1. - С. 47-51. - Бібліогр. в кінці ст.

РАНЕВАЯ ИНФЕКЦИЯ -- WOUND INFECTION (патофизиология, эпидемиология)
Анотація: Визначення клініко-епідеміологічних характеристик, таких як вік, стать, обставини виникнення травми, її механізм, дозволяє науково обґрунтовано вказувати на їх роль у розвитку інфекційних ускладнень серед постраждалих із політравмою в результаті дорожньо-транспортної пригоди (ДТП). Для вирішення завдань нашого дослідження нами був сформований ретроспективний масив дослідження, в яке увійшли 196 постраждалих з інфекційними ускладненнями та політравмою через ДТП. Проведене дослідження вказало, що серед постраждалих із політравмою в результаті ДТП інфекційні ускладнення найчастіше розвиваються у чоловіків і жінок вікової категорії 21–30 років. Серед постраждалих з інфекційними ускладненнями політравми як в результаті ДТП, так і через інші причини, превалюють особи працездатного віку 20–60 років, що було виявлено у 80,0–84,3 % випадків. Найрідше інфекційні ускладнення політравми реєструвались у постраждалих вікової категорії понад 71 рік, однак в основній групі вони виявлялись у 1,8 раза рідше, ніж у контрольній
According to the World Health Organization recommendations, modern clinical studies should be based on standardized and unified evidence-based medical data. It is precisely this reason that the clinical and epidemiological characteristic of the phenomenon is one of the main ground for the formation of scientifically grounded protocols and standards for the provision of medical care to patients suffering from polytrauma. The definition of clinical and epidemiological characteristics, such as age, sex, the circumstances of the onset of trauma, its mechanism allows us to scientifically point out their role in the mechanisms of development of infectious complications among victims with polytrauma as a result of road accident. Materials and methods. To solve the problems of our study, we have formed a retrospective array of research, consisting of 196 victims with infectious complications and polytrauma as a result of road accident. For a more complete analysis of the research material, we divided the groups into subgroups according to the type of injury, namely: the first group — the main one (victims with infectious complications of polytrauma as a result of an accident), the second (control) group (patients with infectious complications of polytrauma due to other causes). The main group included 119 cases of infectious complications in the victims with polytrauma as a result of road accident, which was 60.7 % of the total array of the study. Seventy seven patients with infectious complications of polytrauma as a result of other causes were included in the control group; among them, domestic, criminal and mixed injuries prevailed. Results. To determine the influence of age and sex characteristics on the occurrence of infectious complications in the victims with polytrauma as a result of road accident, we carried out data analysis in the main array and conducted a comparison with the control array of observations. In the main array, there were 83 males (69.7 %) and 36 (30.3 %) females. Thus, victims aged 21–30 years prevailed among men. In the total array, there were 38.6 % of injured males in the age group of 21–30 years. Among women, patients aged 21–30 years also led, but they were registered 1.5 times less often. Least often, victims of the age group more than 71 years were registered among men. In this distribution, they met in 1.2 % of cases and ranked sixth. A similar situation was observed in the group of women, in which there were 2.8 % of patients of this age that is 2.3 times higher than in the group of men, and they ranked fifth. Data analysis indicated the distribution of patients by gender in age groups. Thus, in the group of men, victims aged 21–30 years prevailed. Patients of this age group were registered in 24.6 % of cases. In the group of women, there were 15.0 % of patients aged 21–30 years, which is 1.6 times less than in the group of men. Conclusions. In both main and control groups, infectious complications most often develop in men and women of the age group of 21–30 years. Among those suffering from infectious complications, polytrauma as a result of road accident, as well as other causes, persons of working age (20–60 years) prevailed (80–84.3 % of cases). The least infectious complications of polytrauma were recorded in the age group of more than 71 years, but in the main group they were detected 1.8 times less frequently than in the control group
Дод.точки доступу:
Танасієнко, П. В.
Ковалишин, І. В.

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