Bodnar, O. B.
    Determination of hyaluronic acid and N-peptide of collagen type III levels in serum as predictors of the peritoneal adhesions development in children [Text] = Визначення рівнів гіалуронової кислоти та N-пептид колагену ІІІ-го типу в сироватці крові як предикторів розвитку спайкової хвороби очеревини у дітей / O. B. Bodnar, V. S. Khashchuk // Неонатологія, хірургія та перинатальна медицина. - 2022. - Т. 12, № 2. - P24-28. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.

Анотація: Adhesive peritoneal disease (APD) is the most common and formidable complication of abdominal surgery, which led to adhesive processing occurring in 70 to 90 % of operated patients. It is manifested by late adhesion intestinal obstruction (LAIO), chronic abdominal pain, constipation and infertility.The aim of the study was to investigate the levels of hyaluronic acid (HA) and N-peptide collagen type III (N-PC III) in serum to determine the course of APD in children.Material and methods. Serum levels of HA and N-PC type III were determined in 148 children aged 6-17 years (83 boys and 65 girls). I group (main) – 38 patients with APD, LAIO treatment with the use solution of natrii hyaluronas and decamethoxine, II comparison group – 35 children with APD, LAIO treatment by traditional methods, III group – 45 patients operated on for other acute surgical pathologies of GI tract in which after surgery for 5-10 years no signs of APD were noted. The control group consisted of 30 children operated on inguinal hernias.All parents were given informed voluntary written consent to conduct the research. Statistical processing of the obtained results was performed using Microsoft Office Excel and Statistica 10.0 (StatSoft Inc.).Results. An increase in HA level in the control, main and comparative groups on the 5th day of postoperative period was registered by 31,94, 126,96 and 39,60%, respectively, in comparison with the preoperative values; on the 14th day decrease in HA level was observed in all groups, by 21,24, 32,79 and 25,83%, respectively, in comparison with the 5th day. Determination of the level of N-PC type III in all groups showed an increase in its number on the 5th day, compared with pre-surgery by 64.62, 57.40 and 79.32 %, respectively. On the 14th day the level was 2 times higher in the main group and 2.86 times higher in the comparison group, compared with the control indicators. This indicated the stabilization of connective tissue organization and peritoneal regeneration in the main group and the lack of clear peritoneal regeneration in the comparison group
Спайкова хвороба очеревини (СХО) є найчастішим та грізним ускладненням після операцій на органах черевної порожнини (ОЧП), що супроводжується спайкоутворенням, що спостерігається у 70 – 90 % прооперованих хворих. Проявляється пізньою спайковою кишковою непрохідністю (ПСКН), хронічним абдомінальним болем, хро-нічним тазовим болем, закрепами та безпліддям тощо
Дод.точки доступу:
Khashchuk, V. S.

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