Doroszewska, А.
    Teaching communication to midwifery and nursery students [Text] / А. Doroszewska, J. Zawanowska // Український науково-медичний молодіжний журнал. - 2022. - № 4 спецвип. - P6

КУЛЬТУРА ОБЩЕНИЯ -- CULTURAL COMPETENCY (обучение, организация и управление)
Анотація: Teaching communication is a crucial matter in teaching nursery and midwifery students taking into consideration professional challenges in a daily contact with patient. Necessary basic communication skills seem to be the same for all medical faculties however specific needs about gaining self-confidence in that area vary depending on the faculty. There are particular uncertainties that differ midwifery and nursery students from those from other disciplines. The aim of the presentation is to show and compare the differences in needs about teaching communication skills between midwifery and nursery students. The goal is to specify the concerns of the midwifery and nursery students about their communication skills. The aim is also to deliver the instructions to communication teachers at medical universities to help to adjust the tools to the deficits of the students. It is vital to address specific students anxieties in communication matter
Дод.точки доступу:
Zawanowska, J.

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