Назва журналу :The Ukrainian biochemical journal -2018р. т.90,N 3
Цікаві статті :
Trakhtenberg I. M. Biochemical mechanisms of free-radical damage to the nuclear genome by cadmium/ I. M. Trakhtenberg [et al.] (стр.5-16)
Moshynets O. V. Examining c-di-GMP and possible quorum sensing regulation in Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25: links between intra- and inter-cellular regulation benefits community cooperative activities such as biofilm formation/ O. V. Moshynets [et al.] (стр.17-31)
Babich L. G. The relation between the availability of neonatal intensive care and neonatal mortality./ L. G. Babich [et al.] (стр.32-40)
Franskevych D. V. Activation of store - operated Ca2+ entry in cisplatin resistant leukemic cells after treatment with photoexcited fullerene C60 and cisplatin/ D. V. Franskevych [et al.] (стр.41-48)
Minchenko O. H. ERN1 modifies the effect of glutamine deprivation on tumor growth related factors expression in U87 glioma cells/ O. H. Minchenko [et al.] (стр.49-61)
Gerush I. V. The effect of melationin on lipid peroxide oxidation, oxidative modification of proteins and mitochondria swelling in the skeletal muscle tissue of rats under alloxan diabetes/ I. V. Gerush, V. V. Bevzo, Ye. O. Ferenchuk (стр.62-69)
Galkin O. Yu. Development and characterization of highly informative elisa for the detection of IgG and IgA antibodies to Chlamydia trachomatis/ O. Yu. Galkin [et al.] (стр.70-83)
Ohiri R. C. Nutriceutical potential of Pleurotus tuber-regium sclerotium/ R. C. Ohiri (стр.84-93)
Horak I. R. Adaptor protein Ruk/CIN85 modulates resistance to doxorubicin of murine 4T1 breast cancer cells/ I. R. Horak, D. S. Geraschenko, L. B. Drobot (стр.94-100)
Modern aspects of biochemistry and biotechnology - 2018 (стр.101-147)
Horak I. R. Cellular plasticity as a driving force in cancer progression: the regulatory role of adaptor protein RuK/CIN85/ I. R. Horak [et al.] (стр.102-103)
Mazanova A. O. Modulating effect of cholecalciferol on vitamin D endo/para/autocrine system in type 1 diabetes/ A. O. Mazanova [et al.] (стр.104-105)
Uspenska K. R. Biological role of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in mitochondria/ K. R. Uspenska (стр.106)
Chukova A. M. G-quadruplex DNA binding and telomerase inhibition by pheophorbides/ A. M. Chukova [et al.] (стр.107)
Demenko D. Computer modeling of direct factor Xa inhibitors/ D. Demenko, V. Hurmach, V. Chernyshenko (стр.108)
Dziuba O. S. The effect of N-stearoylethanolamine on age-related and diet-induced changes of fatty acid profile of rat adipocytes/ O. S. Dziuba [et al.] (стр.109)
Garmash I. A. Regulation of glycolysis-related genes expression in U87 ERN1 knockdown glioma cells/ I. A. Garmash (стр.110)
Gerashchenko D. S. Deficiency of adaptor protein RuK/CIN85 in lewis lung carcinoma cells inhibits malignancy hallmarks in vitro as well as tumor growth and pulmonary metastasis in vivo/ D. S. Gerashchenko [et al.] (стр.111)
Gorshkova O. G. Effective method for cleaning of ore of ore-ferrous factory from ions of heavy metals based on bacteria association of the genus Pseudomonas/ O. G. Gorshkova (стр.112)
Gritsenko M. Analyses of the expression and products accumulation of CD-marker genes in cultures of lung and skin rats fibroblasts in ontogenesis/ M. Gritsenko (стр.113)
Halkin O. V. Expression of protease genes in IRE1 knockdown U87 glioma cells upon glutamine deprivation/ O. V. Halkin, D. O. Minchenko, D. О. Tsymbal (стр.114)
Holiar V. V. P60-S6K1 mRNA transcript expression profile in a panel of cell lines and breast cancer tissue samples/ V. V. Holiar, A. S. Sivchenko, I. V. Zaiets (стр.115)
Kalmukova O. O. Central serotonin and tryptophan levels in rats with diet-induced obesity at the different time of melatonin administration/ O. O. Kalmukova, A. V. Yurchenko, V. M. Kyryk (стр.116)
Kharchenko T. The cytotoxicity of cadmium ions small doses in long-term culture of bone marrow cells/ T. Kharchenko [et al.] (стр.117)
Kharchuk M. S. The composition of isolated volutin granules of Saccharomyces cerevisiae UCM Y-517/ M. S. Kharchuk (стр.118)
Klymets H. V. The effect of vanadium citrate on the biochemical parameters of the blood plasma of pregnant female rats/ H. V. Klymets (стр.119)
Kolesnikov Ya. S. The role of brassinosteroids in regulation of phospholipid signaling in plant cells/ Ya. S. Kolesnikov, S. V. Kretynin (стр.120)
Korchevska V. V. Expression profile of fatty acids in the liver and guerin’s carcinoma of rats under conditions of ?-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids administration/ V. V. Korchevska, O. V. Ketsa, V. M. Klimashevskyi (стр.121)
Kovalchuk Y. P. The myelin basic protein and S100b level in the different brain areas of rats affected by pituitrin and izadrin/ Y. P. Kovalchuk (стр.122)
Labudzynskyi D. O. Effects of cerium (IV) oxide nanoparticles on RAW 264.7 cells activity and rankl-stimulated osteoclastogenesis/ D. O. Labudzynskyi (стр.123)
Luzina O. Y. Effect of glutamine deprivation on the expression of DEK, TPD52, BRCA1, ADGRE5, LIF, GNPDA1, and COL6A1 genes in IRE1 knockdown U87 glioma cells/ O. Y. Luzina (стр.124)
Marenkov O. N. The effect of manganese, nickel and lead ions on LDH activity of the Procambarus virginalis (LYKO, 2017)/ O. N. Marenkov, Y. P. Kovalchuk (стр.125)
Melnyk T. Hepatoprotective effects of ?-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on rats with transplanted guerin’s carcinoma/ T. Melnyk, O. Ketsa (стр.126)
Muraviova D. V. The neural cell adhesion molecules in the rat brain after water-immobilization stress and after the recovery period/ D. V. Muraviova, O. O. Dovban (стр.127)
Paliienko K. O. Dose-dependent action of polyhexamethylene guanidine hydrochloride on release of L-[14C]glutamate from rat brain nerve terminals/ K. O. Paliienko, A. O. Pastukhov (стр.128)
Pankiv T. M. Effects of intermittent fasting on respiratory capacity of mitochondria and activity of aconitase in cerebral cortex of C57BL/6 mice/ T. M. Pankiv (стр.129)
Revka O. V. Biochemical mechanisms of fibrin clot formation and subsequent lysis regulation by platelets/ O. V. Revka (стр.130)
Riabovol O. O. The expression of cox and NDUF genes in U87 glioma cells with IRE1 knockdown/ O. O. Riabovol (стр.131)
Rutska A. V. The influence of monosodium glutamate on reactive oxygen species production in rats/ A. V. Rutska (стр.132)
Rybak M. Yu. The role of 2’- and 3’-hydroxyl groups of A76 tRNATyr at the first steps of translation quality control/ M. Yu. Rybak (стр.133)
Gorshkova O. G. Features of fatty strength profile of strain Brevibacillus centrosporus F14 - destructor of phenolic compounds/ O. G. Gorshkova [et al.] (стр.134)
Si W. The hemolytic effect of oxidative stress caused by chronic exposure to low concentrations of cadmium on the body/ W. Si (стр.135)
Sishchuk L. O. The activity of glycolytic and antiglycative enzymes in mouse brain under intermittent fasting/ L. O. Sishchuk, A. O. Semchuk (стр.136)
Spirina V. A. Biochemical parameters of blood with increasing concentration of nitric oxide/ V. A. Spirina, O. O. Galinskij (стр.137)
Stohniy Y. M. The development of new method of the determination of bacterial transglutaminase activity using fibrinogen as a substrate/ Y. M. Stohniy [et al.] (стр.138)
Stravska M. Redox balance in white rats’ spleen in the dynamics of experimentally developed carcinogenesis/ M. Stravska [et al.] (стр.139)
Suleimanova R. R. Fatty acids composition in blood serum lipids of sterlets of different age/ R. R. Suleimanova (стр.140)
Sushko O. Glutathione status in rat’s liver experimentally induced under influence chromium citrate/ O. Sushko, L. Ponkalo (стр.141)
Tsap P. Y. Mapping of residues of fibribogen ?C-region cleaved by protease from the venom of Agkistrodon halys halys/ P. Y. Tsap [et al.] (стр.142)
Umanska A. O. Changes of the performance parameters of the heart of rats for artificial hypobyosis/ A. O. Umanska (стр.143)
Vasheniuk O. S. Adaptor protein Ruk/CIN85 induces epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in human A549 lung adenocarcinoma cells/ O. S. Vasheniuk [et al.] (стр.144)
Zhuk V. V. Signal function of endogenous hydrogen peroxide in response of plants to ultraviolet radiation/ V. V. Zhuk (стр.145)
Zhuk I. V. The combination of no donor and ferulic acid effect on the elicitation of wheat tolerance against biotic stress/ I. V. Zhuk, L. O. Kucherova (стр.146)
Zhyvolozhnyi A. Y. Adaptor protein Ruk/CIN85 is a novel molecular component of extracellular vesicles produced by tumor cells/ A. Y. Zhyvolozhnyi [et al.] (стр.147)
Цікаві статті :
Дод.точки доступу:
Trakhtenberg, I. M.
Moshynets, O. V.
Babich, L. G.
Franskevych, D. V.
Minchenko, O. H.
Gerush, I. V.
Galkin, O. Yu.
Ohiri, R. C.
Horak, I. R.
Mazanova, A. O.
Uspenska, K. R.
Chukova, A. M.
Demenko, D.
Dziuba, O. S.
Garmash, I. A.
Gerashchenko, D. S.
Gorshkova, O. G.
Gritsenko, M.
Halkin, O. V.
Holiar, V. V.
Kalmukova, O. O.
Kharchenko, T.
Kharchuk, M. S.
Klymets, H. V.
Kolesnikov, Ya. S.
Korchevska, V. V.
Kovalchuk, Y. P.
Labudzynskyi, D. O.
Luzina, O. Y.
Marenkov, O. N.
Melnyk, T.
Muraviova, D. V.
Paliienko, K. O.
Pankiv, T. M.
Revka, O. V.
Riabovol, O. O.
Rutska, A. V.
Rybak, M. Yu.
Si, W.
Sishchuk, L. O.
Spirina, V. A.
Stohniy, Y. M.
Stravska, M.
Suleimanova, R. R.
Sushko, O.
Tsap, P. Y.
Umanska, A. O.
Vasheniuk, O. S.
Zhuk, V. V.
Zhuk, I. V.
Zhyvolozhnyi, A. Y.
Gubsky, Y. I.
Foster, D.
Shlykov, S. G.
Grynyuk, I. I.
Kharkova, A. P.
Bevzo, V. V.
Gorshunov, Yu. V.
Geraschenko, D. S.
Pasichnyk, G. V.
Lisakovska, O. O.
Negrutska, V. V.
Hurmach, V.
Polishchuk, I. V.
Shytikov, D. V.
Minchenko, D. O.
Sivchenko, A. S.
Yurchenko, A. V.
Plotnykov, A.
Kretynin, S. V.
Ketsa, O. V.
Ketsa, O.
Dovban, O. O.
Pastukhov, A. O.
Shtenikov, M. D.
Semchuk, A. O.
Galinskij, O. O.
Gryshchuk, V. I.
Andriichuk, I.
Ponkalo, L.
Kucherova, L. O.
Kiryakulova, M. S.
Levitsky, E. L.
Karakhim, S. A.
Kushnarova-Vakal, A. M.
Prylutska, S. V.
Hnatiuk, O. S.
Ferenchuk, Ye. O.
Besarab, O. B.
Drobot, L. B.
Makarova, O. О.
Saraieva, I. V.
Chernyshenko, V.
Kosiakova, H. V.
Tsymbal, D. О.
Zaiets, I. V.
Kyryk, V. M.
Klimashevskyi, V. M.
Korotaeva, N. V.
Chernyshenko, V. O.
Soroka, Yu.
Marunych, R. Y.
Samoylenko, A. A.
Belenichev, I. F.
McLaughlin, K.
Rogalsky, S. P.
Rymar, S. Y.
Volynets, G. P.
Spiers, A. J.
Kupynyak, N. I.
Manko, V. V.
Fomin, V. P.
Kosterin, S. O.
Matyshevska, O. P.
Kryvdiuk, I. V.
Kuznetsova, A. Y.
Ivanova, O. M.
Knopfova, L.
Borsig, L.
Shymanskyi, I. O.
Dubey, L. V.
Klimashevsky, V. M.
Khudiakova, O. V.
Skaterna, T. D.
Kot, K.
Voliuvach, O. Y.
Chernyshenko, T. M.
Hrushetska, I. V.
Stravskyy, T.
Kukuruza, Yu.
Rebriev, A. V.
Kostyuchenko, O. P.
Vainio, S.