Назва журналу :Экспериментальная онкология -2006р. т.28,N 2
Цікаві статті :
Georgolios A. The role of CD44 adhesion molecule in oral cavity cancer/ A. Georgolios [и др.] (стр.94-98)
McShane L.M. Reporting recommendations for tumor marker prognostic studies (remark)/ L. M. McShane [и др.] (стр.99-105)
Xu G. Antitumor activities of the four sesquiterpene lactones from ELEPHANTOPUS SCABER L/ G. Xu [и др.] (стр.106-109)
Kyyamova R.G. Expression of SSX2 tumor antigen in baculovirus expression system and its application for screening of blood serum of melanoma patients/ R. G. Kyyamova [и др.] (стр.110-113)
Olishevsky S. Modulation of ros/no production by murine peritoneal macrophages in responseto bacterial CPG DNA stimulation/ S. Olishevsky [и др.] (стр.114-120)
Karkabounas S. Anticarcinogenic and antiplatelet effects of carvacrol/ S. Karkabounas [и др.] (стр.121-125)
Hao S. Epigenetic transfer of metastatic activity by uptake of highly metastatic B 16 melanoma cell-released exosomes/ S. Hao [и др.] (стр.126-131)
Shlyakhovenko V. Application of dna from mushroom pleurotus ostreatus for cancer biotherapy: a pilot study/ V. Shlyakhovenko, V. Kosak, S. Olishevsky (стр.132-135)
Lu Y. Gene therapeutic treatment of pancreatic cancer based on injection of pcDNA3.1/CCK plasmid with xenogeneic homologous cholecystokinin/ Y. Lu, J. -G. Bai, H. -H. Wang (стр.136-140)
Arumugam G. Effect of gallium nitrate on tamoxifen induced hypercalcemia in rats bearing mammary tumor/ G. Arumugam, P. Shanthi, P. Sachdanandam (стр.141-145)
Isaikina Y. Growth kinetics and self-renewal of human mesenchymal stem cells derived from bone marrow of children with oncohematological diseases during expansion in vitro/ Y. Isaikina, A. Kustanovich, A. Svirnovski (стр.146-151)
Buchynska L. G. Expression of the cell cycle regulators p53, p21{\up WAF1/CIP1} and p-16 {\up INK4A} in human endometrial adenocarcinoma/ L. G. Buchynska, I. P. Neslna (стр.152-155)
Romanowicz-Makowska H. Analysis of RAD51 polymorphism and BRCA 1 mutations in polish women with breast cancer/ H. Romanowicz-Makowska [и др.] (стр.156-159)
Prylutska S.V. Effect of the visible light irradiation of fullerene-containing composites on the ros generation and the viability of tumor cells/ S. V. Prylutska [и др.] (стр.160-162)
Baran Y. Cross-resistance to cytosine arabinoside in human acute myeloid leukemia cells selected for resistance to vincristine/ Y. Baran, V. Gunduz, A. U. Ural (стр.163-165)
Glushkov A.N. Immunological images of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons/ A. N. Glushkov [и др.] (стр.166-168)
Bugdayci G. Matrix metalloproteinase-9 in broncho-alveolar lavage fluid of patients with non-small cell lung cancer/ G. Bugdayci [и др.] (стр.169-171)
Gluzman D.F. Structure of leukemias and lymphomas in children of Ukraine in post-chernobyl period/ D. F. Gluzman [и др.] (стр.172-174)
Цікаві статті :
Дод.точки доступу:
Georgolios, A.
McShane, L. M.
Xu, G.
Kyyamova, R. G.
Olishevsky, S.
Karkabounas, S.
Hao, S.
Shlyakhovenko, V.
Lu, Y.
Arumugam, G.
Isaikina, Y.
Buchynska, L. G.
Romanowicz-Makowska, H.
Prylutska, S. V.
Baran, Y.
Glushkov, A. N.
Bugdayci, G.
Gluzman, D. F.
Batistatou, A.
Altman, D. G.
Liang, Q.
Gryshkova, V. S.
Burlaka, A.
Kostoula, O. K.
Ye, Z.
Kosak, V.
Bai, J. -G.
Shanthi, P.
Kustanovich, A.
Neslna, I. P.
Smolarz, B.
Burlaka, A. P.
Gunduz, V.
Kostyanko, M. V.
Kaplan, T.
Sklyarenko, L. M.
Charalabopoulos, A.
Sauerbrei, W.
Gong, Z.
Zhyvoioup, A. M.
Sidorik, E.
Daskalou, T.
Meng, Q.
Wang, H. -H.
Sachdanandam, P.
Svirnovski, A.
Zadrowy, M.
Matyshevska, O. P.
Ural, A. U.
Anosava, T. P.
Sezer, S.
Nadgornaya, V. A.
Manolopoulos, L.
Charalabopoulos, K.
Taube, S. E.
Gion, M.
Clark, G. M.
Yu, W.
He, S.
Xi, I.
Korovin, S. I.
Gout, I. T.
Filonenko, V. V.
Shiyakhovenko, V.
Garpenko, Yu.
Kozak, V.
Veltsistas, P.
Karamouzis, M.
Zelovitis, I.
Metsios, A.
Qureshi, M.
Yang, J.
Xiang, J.
Kulig, A.
Golub, A. A.
Potebnya, G. P.
Prylutskyy, Y. I.
Ritter, U.
Scharff, P.
Polenok, E. G.
Mun, S. A.
Anosov, M. P.
Cherno, S. V.
Turban, T.
Koca, Y.
Kocer, D.
Yildirim, E.
Zavelevich, M. P.
Poludnenko, L. Yu.
Ivanwskaya, T. S.
Koval, S. V.
Simonet, M. -L.