The study of the chemical composition and the immunomodulatory activity of polysaccharide complexes from Veronica teucrium L. [Текст] / A. P. Osmachko [et al.] // Вісн. фармації. - 2017. - № 2. - С. 37-42

Аннотация: To determine and study the qualitative composition and the quantitative content of polysaccharide complexes (PsC of V. teucrium flowers, leaves and rhizomes, as well as their effect on the transformation and functional activity of macrophages and their hematogenic precursors. Materials and methods. The PsC of V. teucrium flowers, leaves and rhizomes were obtained by multiple extraction of the plant raw material with water when heating and with the subsequent concentration of combined extracts and their precipitation. Monosaccharides of PsC hydrolyzates were studied by the methods of paper chromatography and spectrophotometry. The immunomodulatory activity of PsC of V. teucrium flowers, leaves and rhizomes was studied in vitro in the reaction of macrophage transformation of mononuclear cells of the peripheral blood. Results and discussion. The yield of the complexes is as follows: in flowers – 8.40 %, in leaves – 5.30 %, in rhizomes – 1.95 %. The qualitative composition and the quantitative content of monosaccharides in the complexes have been determined, and the hydrolysis kinetics of the components has been studied. The results of the in vitro study of the effect of PsC of V. teucrium flowers, leaves and rhizomes on transformation and the functional activity of immune competent cells of the peripheral blood are presented. Conclusions. The yield of polysaccharide complexes of V. teucrium is as follows: in flowers – 8.40 %, in leaves – 5.30 %, in rhizomes – 1.95 %. Monosaccharides of PsC in flowers are presented by galactose, glucose, fructose, arabinose and xylose; in leaves – by glucose and arabinose, there is galactose, fructose, xylose in a minor amount; in rhizomes there is mainly glucose. It has been found that the optimal time for hydrolysis for PsC in flowers and leaves is 60 min; in rhizomes – 150 min. It has been determined that the PsC studied in the dose of 50 μg/ml maximally stimulate the functional activity of immune competent cells; the PsC of V. teucrium flowers in the dose range from 5 to 100 μg/ml possesses the more expressed immunomodulatory activity
Доп.точки доступа:
Osmachko, A. P.
Kovaleva, A. M.
Ilyina, T. V.
Kashpur, N. V.
Koshovyi, O. M.
Komisarenko, A. M.

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