Justifications for differentiated approach in correction of some changes of the immunologic disorders in patients with rapidly progressing generalized parodontitis with different drug susceptibility of the parodontal bacteria [Text] / A. A. Gudaryan [et al.] // Медичні перспективи. - 2020. - Т. 25, № 4. - P138-146. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.

ПЕРИОДОНТА БОЛЕЗНИ -- PERIODONTAL DISEASES (иммунология, лекарственная терапия, терапия)
ЧУВСТВИТЕЛЬНОСТЬ -- SENSATION (действие лекарственных препаратов, иммунология)
ЛЕКАРСТВЕННАЯ УСТОЙЧИВОСТЬ У БАКТЕРИЙ -- DRUG RESISTANCE, BACTERIAL (действие лекарственных препаратов, иммунология)
ИММУННОЙ СИСТЕМЫ РАССТРОЙСТВА -- IMMUNE SYSTEM DISEASES (иммунология, лекарственная терапия, профилактика и контроль)
АНТИБАКТЕРИАЛЬНЫЕ СРЕДСТВА -- ANTI-BACTERIAL AGENTS (терапевтическое применение, фармакокинетика)
Аннотация: Rapidly progressing generalized perio­dontitis (RPGP) still remains an extremely important medical problem, despite certain achievements in solving most of the issues of etiology, pathogenesis and treatment. The study included 102 patients with rapidly progressing periodontitis of I-II and II-III degrees of severity, with ineffective and inconsistent results of previous treatment who were examined and treated in the clinic of the Department of Surgical Dentistry, Periodontics and Implantology of the SE «Dnipropetrovsk medical academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine». On the basis of the diagnostic and therapeutic measures carried out, it was established that, in patients with rapidly progressing generalized periodontitis, the formation of various drug sensitivity in periodontopathogenic microorganisms to protocol antibacterial therapy is closely associated with immunological protocol diseases. The presence of drug-resistant bacteria in the periodontal tissues is combined with a more pronounced immunodeficiency in the mechanisms of systemic and local protection than when the lesions are colonized by drug-sensitive periodontal microorganisms
Доп.точки доступа:
Gudaryan, A. A.
Maschenko, I. S.
Dorogina, A. S.
Shyrinkin, S. V.

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