State of collagenolysis in experimental periodontitis of bacterial-immune genesis and its correction with flavonol [Text] / A. Ye. Demkovych [et al.] // Медичні перспективи. - 2021. - Т. 26, № 2. - P26-32. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.

Рубрики: Оксипролин


ПЕРИОДОНТА БОЛЕЗНИ -- PERIODONTAL DISEASES (классификация, кровь, лекарственная терапия, рентгенография)
ВОСПАЛЕНИЕ -- INFLAMMATION (диагностика, кровь, микробиология, терапия)
КОЛЛАГЕНОЗЫ -- COLLAGEN DISEASES (вирусология, иммунология, кровь, осложнения, реабилитация)
Аннотация: The article presents an assessment of the dynamics of changes in the content of the marker of collagenolysis – free oxyproline in the homogeniate of soft tissues and bone in experimental bacterial-immune periodontitis and elucidation of the effect of flavonol quercetin on these indicators. The aim of this study was to determine the role of cytokinogenesis and the effect of flavonol on it in the pathogenesis, development and course of experimental periodontitis. During the experiment, a fragment of the mandible was taken from the animals, from which the soft tissues and bone were carefully separated. The state of collagen was determined by the content of free oxyproline in the soft and bone tissues. The concentration was determined according to the calibration graph and expressed in μmol/g. The results of studies of the indicators of the state of biopolymers of connective tissue structures of periodontium on the 7th, 14th and 30th day of experimental bacterial-immune periodontitis and after its correction with flavonol (from the 7th to the 14th day of the experiment) are presented. The data on the nature of changes in the content of collagen monomers in the process of formation of the inflammatory focus in the periodontal complex are given. During the acute phase of the inflammatory process in rats there was revealed a slight increase in blood free oxyproline in bone homogenate and homogenate of soft periodontal tissues, on the 14th day the dynamics continued to increase, at a later stage of the experiment, namely on the 30th day, increase in bone resorption continued as compared to the 7th and 14th day. During the correction of disorders resulted from the development of this pathological process there was a decrease in the level of free oxyproline in the bone homogenate and homogenate of soft tissues of mandibular periodontium, as compared to the same indicators of animals who did not receive quercetin on the 14th day. The use of flavonol quercetin, which, by affecting immune processes, limited the inflammatory response in periodontal tissues and stabilized collagenolysis processes in periodontal tissues was manifested by a decrease in free oxyproline in bone and soft tissue homogenates of experimental animals
Доп.точки доступа:
Demkovych, A. Ye.
Bondarenko, Yu. I.
Fastovets, O.O.
Hrad, A. O.
Hasiuk, P. A.
Denefil, O. V.

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