Evaluation of response to tyrosine kinase inhibitors in renal cell carcinoma patients based on expression of miR-99b, -144, -210, -222, -302a and -377 in tumor tissue [Text] / Yu. V. Vitruk [et al.] // Experimental Oncology. - 2021. - Том 43, N 2. - P98-103

КАРЦИНОМА ПОЧЕЧНО-КЛЕТОЧНАЯ -- CARCINOMA, RENAL CELL (генетика, патофизиология, терапия)
РНК -- RNA (генетика)
Аннотация: Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is one of the most common solid tumors in adults highly resistant to conventional therapies. The expression profile of a number of miRNAs correlates with RCC response to chemotherapeutic agents. Aim: To identify the association of tumor miRNAs expression with neoadjuvant treatment response in patients with RCC. Materials and Methods: We analyzed the expression levels of tumor miR-99b, -144, -155, -210, -222, -302а, -377 in 93 RCC patients who received pazopanib or sunitinib in neoadjuvant regimen using RT-PCR. RNU48 was used as a reference miRNA. Results: The levels of expression of miR-99b and -377 are associated with the RCC response to pazopanib, and microRNA-210 and -377 to sunitinib. The characteristic expression profile of miR-99b, -144, -222, -377, and miR-302a determined in 90% of cases was delineated in pazopanib responders as opposed to nonresponders. Similarly, the characteristic expression profile of miR-210, -222, -302a and -377 was suggested for sunitinib responders. Conclusions: Levels of miR-99b, -210 and -377 expression in RCC tumor tissue might be used as a basis for future predictive panel intended for the assessment of the sensitivity to the regimens of neoadjuvant RCC treatment
Доп.точки доступа:
Vitruk, Yu. V.
Semko, S. L.
Voylenko, O. A.
Pikul, M. V.
Borikun, T. V.
Zadvornyi, T. V.
Yalovenko, T. M.
Stakhovsky, E. O.
Rossylna, O. V.

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