Muhammad, Ali Shirin
    The case of triploidia 69XXX in a newborn baby [Текст] / Ali Shirin Muhammad // Український науково-медичний молодіжний журнал. - 2022. - № 1 спецвип. . - С. 11

ПЛОД -- FETUS (аномалии)
БОЛЕЗНИ РЕДКИЕ -- RARE DISEASES (генетика, этиология)
Аннотация: Fetal chromosomal abnormalities are a common cause of reproductive loss, neonatal mortality and infant disability. Triploidy occurs in approximately 1-2% of pregnancies. Most of these pregnancies end in early miscarriage. Lives up to 6-7 months of embryogenesis only 1%. Triplodia is not compatible with life. In the case of live birth, the maximum life expectancy of a child usually does not exceed 7 days. There are three types of triploids: the first type is diandria or hyperandric triploidy (two parental and one maternal set of chromosomes), the second type is diginia or hyperginic triploidy (two maternal and one parental set of chromosomes), and the third type is mosaic triploidy (a combination of normal pairs in the karyotype and sites with three chromosomes instead of two)
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