Заглавие журнала :Одеський медичний журнал -2012г.,N 5
Интересные статьи :
Zaporozhan V. M. Retrospective analysis, state and challenges of endoscopic and miniinvasive surgery in the Odessa National Medical University (1975-2012)/ V. M. Zaporozhan [и др.] (стр.8-12)
Zhang Yang-de. Expression of NY-ESO-1 gene in human hepatocellular carcinoma/ Yang-de Zhang, Fei Ren, Jian Peng (стр.13-18)
Grubnik V. V. Improving the methods of spontaneous pneumotorax treatment by videothoracoscopic operations/ V. V. Grubnik [и др.] (стр.19-22)
Zhang Xiu-zhen. Determination of organochlorine pesticides residues in broken rice for pharmaceutical glucose by GC/ Xiu-zhen Zhang [и др.] (стр.22-26)
Kashtalyan M. N. One-day surgery (short term department) in the treatment of patients suffering from cholelithiasis/ M. N. Kashtalyan, V. V. Pavlyshyn (стр.26-28)
Xin Gao. Transvesical single-port laparoscopic radical prostatectomy for organ-confined prostate cancer: tehnique and outcomes/ Gao Xin [и др.] (стр.29-34)
Serdyuk V. N. Choice of organ preserving treatment of sumbucous uterine myoma based on rational diagnostic criteria/ V. N. Serdyuk, Yu. A. Chekhanov, Yu. G. Drobot (стр.34-37)
Wang Qilu . Mapping the disease gene in two congenital motor nystagmus families/ Qilu Wang [и др.] (стр.38-42)
Nychytaylo M. Y. Endoscopic treatment of ampullary tumors/ M. Y. Nychytaylo, P. V. Ogorodnyk, A. G. Deynychenko (стр.43-45)
Tengcheng Li. Antibiotic prophylaxis on the time of catheter removal following laparoscopic radical prostatectomy/ Li Tengcheng [и др.] (стр.45-49)
Dubinina V. G. Our experience of colorectal cancer laparoscopic treatment/ V. G. Dubinina, D. M. Osadchyy, V. E. Maksymovskyy (стр.50-52)
Boychuk A. V. Comparative characteristics of the effectiveness of various methods of surgical and conservative treatment of ectopic pregnancy/ A. V. Boychuk, Yu. B. Boychuk, O. M. Ischak (стр.52-55)
Chayka A. V. Management and endosurgical treatment of benign ovarian cystic formations in pregnancy/ A. V. Chayka, F. A. Khancha, O. G. Morhunets (стр.55-59)
Nazarenko O. Ya. Current approaches to diagnostics and treatment of ovarian apoplexy/ O. Ya. Nazarenko, V. L. Kozhakov (стр.60-65)
Ursol G. N. Oesophagel achalasia treatment efficacy by the metod of endoscopic introduction of the botulinic toxin/ G. N. Ursol [и др.] (стр.65-68)
Bereznytskyy Ya. S. Technical features of the implementation of sleeve gastrectomy and biliopancreatic diversion in the treatment of obese patients/ Ya. S. Bereznytskyy, R. V. Duka (стр.69-71)
Chetverikov S. G. Differentiated choice of the miniinvasive surgical approach in surgical treatment of cholelithiasis/ S. G. Chetverikov, A. A. Oleynik (стр.72-74)
Lysenko V. V. Comparison of the long-term results of monopolar and bipolar transurethral resection of the prostate/ V. V. Lysenko (стр.74-76)
Shapovalov V. Yu. Comparative assessment of the traditional and endoscopic appendectomy according to the results of performing first 1,000 laparoscopic appendectomies/ V. Yu. Shapovalov (стр.77-80)
Интересные статьи :
Доп.точки доступа:
Zaporozhan, V. M.
Zhang Yang-de
Grubnik, V. V.
Zhang Xiu-zhen
Kashtalyan, M. N.
Xin Gao
Serdyuk, V. N.
Wang Qilu
Nychytaylo, M. Y.
Tengcheng Li
Dubinina, V. G.
Boychuk, A. V.
Chayka, A. V.
Nazarenko, O. Ya.
Ursol, G. N.
Bereznytskyy, Ya. S.
Chetverikov, S. G.
Lysenko, V. V.
Shapovalov, V. Yu.
Gladchuk, I. Z.
Ren Fei
Martyniuk, V. A.
Xiao Yi-yun
Pavlyshyn, V. V.
Jun Pang
Chekhanov, Yu. A.
Yang Yongjia
Ogorodnyk, P. V.
Osadchyy, D. M.
Boychuk, Yu. B.
Khancha, F. A.
Kozhakov, V. L.
Velygotskii, N. N.
Duka, R. V.
Oleynik, A. A.
Rozhkovska, N. M.
Peng Jian
Shipulin, P. P.
Gong Yong-fu
Jie Si-tu
Drobot, Yu. G.
He Ying
Deynychenko, A. G.
Maksymovskyy, V. E.
Ischak, O. M.
Morhunets, O. G.
Velygotskii, A. N.
Marichereda, V. G.
Volyanska, A. G.
Baydan, V. V.
Komarchuk, V. V.
Trushin, A. S.
Gorbulitch, A. V.
Sheptukha, A. A.