Заглавие журнала :Вісник морфології -2023г. т.29,N 4
Интересные статьи :
Kostiuchenko-Faifor O. S. Regression models of the area of the soft palate and tongue in young men and young women with an orthognathic bite without and taking into account the type of face depending on teleroentgenometric indicators of the upper respiratory tract/ O. S. Kostiuchenko-Faifor [та ін.] (стр.5-10)
Kalinichenko M. O. A method of evaluation of the shape of the human cerebellum: MRI study/ M. O. Kalinichenko (стр.11-18)
Fishchenko V. О. Morphohistological study of regeneration of knee joint cartilage defects in an experimental model under the influence of nuclear magnetic resonance therapy/ V. О. Fishchenko, A. P. Korol, D. V. Yusupova (стр.19-26)
Voinytska О. М. Peculiarities of the parietal bones of the vault of the human skull structure and shape, taking into account sex and craniotype/ О. М. Voinytska, O. Yu. Vovk, I. V. Chekanova (стр.27-34)
Niyazmetov T. S. Peculiarities of the microscopic structure of rat testis under the influence of Vipera berus berus venom/ T. S. Niyazmetov (стр.35-40)
Tiron О. I. Rats' thyroid gland histological and ultrastructural changes throughout the experimental thermal injury dynamics on the background of HAES-LX 5 % colloid-hyperosmolar solution injection/ О. I. Tiron, R. S. Vastyanov (стр.41-49)
Denysenko A. P. A comprehensive study of dura mater biomineralization: morphological, crystallographic, and immunohistochemical aspects/ A. P. Denysenko [та ін.] (стр.50-57)
Turbal L. V. Histological changes in the liver of rats under the influence of Vipera berus berus venom/ L. V. Turbal, L. М. Yaremenko, O. Ye. Maievskyi (стр.58-63)
Stetsuk Ye. V. Electron microscopic changes in interstitial endocrinocytes of rats testicles during administration of triptorelin for 365 days/ Ye. V. Stetsuk [та ін.] (стр.64-69)
Herashchenko S. B. Neuroprotective effect of 2-ethyl-6-methyl-3-hydroxypyridine succinate on the sciatic nerve and its segmental centers in experimental paclitaxel-induced peripheral neuropathy/ S. B. Herashchenko [та ін.] (стр.70-78)
Интересные статьи :
Доп.точки доступа:
Kostiuchenko-Faifor, O. S.
Kalinichenko, M. O.
Fishchenko, V. О.
Voinytska, О. М.
Niyazmetov, T. S.
Tiron, О. I.
Denysenko, A. P.
Turbal, L. V.
Stetsuk, Ye. V.
Herashchenko, S. B.
Piliponova, V. V.
Korol, A. P.
Vovk, O. Yu.
Vastyanov, R. S.
Piddubnyi, A. М.
Yaremenko, L. M.
Shepitko, V. I.
Ostrovskyi, М. М.
Beliaiev, E. V.
Yusupova, D. V.
Chekanova, I. V.
Tkachenko, I. A.
Maievskyi, O. Ye.
Boruta, N. V.
Kulynych, Η. B.
Ocheretna, O. A.
Ivanitsa, A. O.
Vakar, Т. V.
Koliadenko, S. V.
Shubin, P. A.
Tarabarov, S. I.
Moskalenko, R. A.
Vilkhova, О. V.
Skotarenko, T. A.
Rud, М. V.
Markiv, I. M.