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Search inquiry: (<.>U=612.015:577.1](075.8)=111<.>)
Total number of found documents : 54
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 1-30    31-54 

Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 612.015/S68
Author(s) : Smirnova O. V., Shunkov V. S.
Title : Basis of the Structure and Reactivity of Biologically Active Compounds : навч. посібник із біоорганічної хімії
Outputed data : Вінниця: Нілан, 2017
Quantitative characteristics :212 p.
Team : National Pirogov Memorial Medical University (Vinnytsya)
Notes : Гриф надано МОН України. Протокол № 1/11-10165 від 02.07.2014
ISBN, Price 978-617-7212-31-6: 105.00 р.
UDC : 612.015 + 612.015:577.1](075.8)=111 + 577.1(075.8)=111
Annotation: Навчальний посібник складається з двох частин, в яких висвітлюються основні теоретичпі поняття органічної хімії та розглянуто основи реакційної здатності біологічно активних сполук, використовуючи механізми перебігу хімічних реакцій. В першій частині посібника даються теоретичні поняття та механізми реакцій, в яких беруть участь біологічно активні сполуки, коротко пояснюється роль в організмі людини. В другій частині посібника розглянуто методичні розробки до практичних занять: тестові завдання для перевірки знань, словник-мінімум основних формул органічних сполук та їх номенклатура. Посібник відповідає програмі «Біоорганічна хімія» для студентів вищих медичних закладів освіти III - IV рівнів акредитації, 5.05.2005р., м.Київ. Рекомендовано Міністерством освіти і науки України як навчальний посібник для англомовних студентів вищих медичних закладів IV рівнів акредитації
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Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 612.015/S68
Author(s) : Smirnova O. V., Shunkov V. S.
Title : Basis of the Structure and Reactivity of Biologically Active Compounds : навч. посіб. із біоорган. хімії
Outputed data : Вінниця: Нілан, 2016
Quantitative characteristics :212 p.
Team : National Pirogov Memorial Medical University (Vinnytsya)
Notes : Гриф надано МОН України. Протокол № 1/11-10165 від 02.07.2014
ISBN, Price 978-617-7212-31-6: 100.00 р.
UDC : 612.015 + 612.015:577.1](075.8)=111 + 577.1(075.8)=111
Annotation: Навчальний посібник складається з двох частин, в яких висвітлюються основні теоретичні поняття органічної хімії та розглянуто основи реакційної здатності біологічно активних сполук, використовуючи механізми перебігу хімічних реакцій. В першій частині посібника даються теоретичні поняття та механізми реакцій, в яких беруть участь біологічно активні сполуки, коротко пояснюється роль в організмі людини. В другій частині посібника розглянуто методичні розробки до практичних занять: тестові завдання для перевірки знань, словник-мінімум основних формул органічних сполук та їх номенклатура. Посібник відповідає програмі «Біоорганічна хімія» для студентів вищих медичних закладів освіти III – IV рівнів акредитації, 5.05.2005р., м.Київ. Рекомендовано Міністерством освіти і науки України як навчальний посібник для англомовних студентів вищих медичних закладів IV рівнів акредитації
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Type of document : Multivolume edition
Edition cipher : 612.015/B60
Author(s) :
Title : Biochemistry/ in 2 vol. : presented by Atef Tadros Fahim. Vol. 2
Outputed data : : Third Year Б.м., 2005
Price : 30.00 р.
UDC : 612.015 + 612.015:577.1](075.8)=111 + 577.1(075.8)=111
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Type of document : Multivolume edition
Edition cipher : 612.015/B60
Author(s) :
Title : Biochemistry/ presented by Atef Tadros Fahim. Vol. 1
Outputed data : : Third Year Б.м., 2004
Quantitative characteristics :139 с
Price : 30.00 р.
UDC : 612.015 + 612.015:577.1](075.8)=111 + 577.1(075.8)=111
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Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 612.015/F42
Author(s) : Ferrier, Denise
Title : Biochemistry . -6th ed.
Outputed data : Philadelphia [etc.]: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins: Wolters Kluwer, 2014
Quantitative characteristics :552 p.: il.
Series: International edition .
    Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews/ ed. R. A. Harvey, P. C. Champe
Notes : Index: p. 522-552
ISBN, Price 978-1-4511-7562-2: 1231.23 р.
UDC : 612.015 + 612.015:577.1](075.8)=111 + 577.1(075.8)=111
Annotation: Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry is the long-established first-and-best resource for the essentials of biochemistry. Students rely on this text to help them quickly review, assimilate, and integrate large amounts of critical and complex information. For more than two decades, faculty and students have praised UR Biochemistry’s matchless illustrations that make concepts come to life
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Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 612.015/F42
Author(s) : Ferrier, Denise
Title : Biochemistry . -7th ed.
Outputed data : Philadelphia [etc.]: Wolters Kluwer, 2017
Quantitative characteristics :552 p.: il.
Series: International edition .
    Lippincott Illustrated Reviews
Notes : Appendix: p. 505-538. - Index: p. 539-565
ISBN, Price 978-1-4963-6354-1: 1304.00 р.
UDC : 612.015 + 612.015:577.1](075.8)=111 + 577.1(075.8)=111
Annotation: This work is no substitute for individual patient assessment based upon healthcare professionals’ examination of each patient and consideration of, among other things, age, weight, gender, current or prior medical conditions, medication history, laboratory data and other factors unique to the patient. The publisher does not provide medical advice or guidance and this work is merely a reference tool. Healthcare professionals, and not the publisher, are solely responsible for the use of this work including all medical judgments and for any resulting diagnosis and treatments. Given continuous, rapid advances in medical science and health information, independent professional verification of medical diagnoses, indications, appropriate pharmaceutical selections and dosages, and treatment options should be made and healthcare professionals should consult a variety of sources. When prescribing medication, healthcare professionals are advised to consult the product information sheet (the manufacturer’s package insert) accompanying each drug to verify, among other things, conditions of use, warnings and side effects and identify any changes in dosage schedule or contraindications, particularly if the medication to be administered is new, infrequently used or has a narrow therapeutic range. To the maximum extent permitted under applicable law, no responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property, as a matter of products liability, negligence law or otherwise, or from any reference to or use by any person of this work
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Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 612.015/M29
Author(s) : Mardashko O. O., Yasinenko N. Ye.
Title : Biochemistry : texts of lectures
Outputed data : Odessa: Odessa State Medical University, 2003
Quantitative characteristics :417 с
Series: Medical student’s library
Notes : Rec. by CMC of Odessa State Medical University (protocol № 2 from 28.11.2001)
ISBN, Price 966-7733-33-5: 120.35, 120.35, 95.00, 120.00, р.
UDC : 612.015 + 612.015:577.1](075.8)=111 + 577.1(075.8)=111
Annotation: The teaching course of Biologicai Chemistry is set in this book in accordance with the programme for the students of higher medical educational establishments У навчальному посібнику викладено курс біохімії, що відповідає навчальній програмі, затвердженій МОЗ України для вищих навчальних медичних закладів III—IV рівнів акредитації
Copies : total 13: ІЛ(47)
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Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 612.015/C44
Author(s) : Champe, Pamela S., Harvey, Richard A., Ferrier, Denise R.
Title : Biochemistry . -4th ed.
Outputed data : New Delhi [etc.]: Wolters Kluwer, 2008
Quantitative characteristics :520 p.: il.
Series: Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews
ISBN, Price 978-81-89960-23-0: 208.00 р.
UDC : 612.015 + 612.015:577.1](075.8)=111 + 577.1(075.8)=111
Annotation: Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry integrates and summarizes the essentials of medical biochemistry for (1) students in the health-related professions who are preparing for licensure examination [for example, the United States Medical Licensure Examination (USMLE) Step 1], and (2) professionals who wish to review or update their knowledge in this rapidly expanding area of biomedical science. The Illustrated Review uses an information-intensive, outline format along with summary figures and practice questions to teach this complex materialEstablished as an ideal resource for today's fast-paced learning environment. Lippmcotts Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry is now in its updated fourth edition! It has been proven to provide a successful and easy way for students to review. assimilate, and integrate large amounts of critical and complex information. Its readability, user-friendly format, and superior array of full-color illustrations make it perfect for classroom learning and test preparation!
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Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 612.015/F42
Author(s) : Ferrier, Denise
Title : Biochemistry . -7th ed.
Outputed data : Philadelphia [etc.]: Wolters Kluwer, 2017
Quantitative characteristics :565 p.: il.
Series: Lippincott Illustrated Reviews .
    South Asian Edition
Notes : Appendix: p. 505-538. - Index: p. 539-566
ISBN, Price 978-93-5129-794-9: 500.00 р.
UDC : 612.015 + 612.015:577.1](075.8)=111 + 577.1(075.8)=111
Annotation: This book is protected by copyright. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including as photocopies or scanned-in or other electronic copies, or utilized by any information storage and retrieval system without written permission from the copyright owner, except for brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Materials appearing in this book prepared by individuals as part of their official duties as U.S. government employees are not covered by the above-mentioned copyright.This work is provided “as is,” and the publisher disclaims any and all warranties, express or implied, including any warranties as to accuracy, comprehensiveness, or currency of the content of this work. This work is no substitute for individual patient assessment based upon healthcare professionals’ examination of each patient and consideration of, among other things, age, weight, gender, current or prior medical conditions, medication history, laboratory data and other factors unique to the patient. The publisher does not provide medical advice or guidance and this work is merely a reference tool. Healthcare professionals, and not the publisher, are solely responsible for the use of this work including all medical judgments and for any resulting diagnosis and treatments.Given continuous, rapid advances in medical science and health information, independent professional verification of medical diagnoses, indications, appropriate pharmaceutical selections and dosages, and treatment options should be made and healthcare professionals should consult a variety of sources. When prescribing medication, healthcare professionals are advised to consult the product information sheet (the manufacturer’s package insert) accompanying each drug to verify, among other things, conditions of use, warnings and side effects and identify any changes in dosage schedule or contraindications, particularly if the medication to be administered is new, infrequently used or has a narrow therapeutic range. To the maximum extent permitted under applicable law, no responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property, as a matter of products liability, negligence law or otherwise, or from any reference to or use by any person of this work
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Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 612.015/S89
Author(s) : Stryer, Lubert
Title : Biochemistry . -3rd ed.
Outputed data : New York: Freeman W. H. and Company, 1988
Quantitative characteristics :1089 с
ISBN, Price 0-7167-1920-7: 45.00 р.
UDC : 612.015 + 612.015:577.1](075.8)=111 + 577.1(075.8)=111
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Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 612.015/M31
Author(s) : Marks, Dawn B.
Title : Biochemistry . -2nd ed.
Outputed data : Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1994
Quantitative characteristics :337 с
ISBN, Price 0-683-05597-6: 25.00 р.
UDC : 612.015 + 612.015:577.1](075.8)=111 + 577.1(075.8)=111
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Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 612.015/S89
Author(s) : Stryer, Lubert
Title : Biochemistry
Outputed data : San Francisco: Freeman W. H. and Company, 1975
Quantitative characteristics :877 с
ISBN, Price 0-7167-0174-X: 30.00 р.
UDC : 612.015 + 612.015:577.1](075.8)=111 + 577.1(075.8)=111
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Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 612.015/S24
Author(s) : Satyanarayana U., Chakrapani U.
Title : Biochemistry (with Biomedical Concepts, Clinical Correlates & Case Studies) . -5th ed.
Outputed data : New Delhi: Elsevier, 2017
Quantitative characteristics :777 p.: il.
Notes : Index: p. 757-777
ISBN, Price 978-81-312-4885-0: 310.00 р.
UDC : 612.015 + 612.015:577.1](075.8)=111 + 577.1(075.8)=111
Annotation: Renowned and recommended textbook in the subject that explains the basic concepts in concise manner. Is an amalgamation of medical and basic sciences, and is comprehensively written, revised and updated to meet the curriculum requirements of Medical, Pharmacy, Dental, Veterinary, Biotechnology, Agricultural Sciences, Life Sciences students and others studying Biochemistry as one of the subjects. Is the first textbook on Biochemistry in English with multi-color illustrations by an author from Asia. The use of multicolor format is for a clear understanding of the complicated structures and biochemical reactions. Is written in a lucid style with the subject being presented as an engaging story growing from elementary information to the most recent advances, and with theoretical discussions being supplemented with illustrations, tables, biomedical concepts, clinical correlates and case studies for easy understanding of the subject. Has each chapter beginning with a four-line verse followed by the text with clinical correlates, a summary, and self-assessment exercises. The lively illustrations and text with appropriate headings and sub-headings in bold typeface facilitate reading path clarity and quick recall. All this will the students to master the subject and face the examination with confidence. Provides the most recent and essential information on Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, and current topics such as Diabetes, Cancer, Free Radicals and Antioxidants, Prostaglandins, etc. Describes a wide variety of case studies (77) with biomedical correlations. The case studies are listed at the end of relevant chapters for immediate reference, quick review and better understanding of Biochemistry. Contains the basics (Bioorganic and Biophysical Chemistry, Tools of Biochemistry, Immunology, and Genetics) for beginners to learn easily Biochemistry, origins of biochemical words, confusables in Biochemistry, principles of Practical Biochemistry, and Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory
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Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 612.015/S24
Author(s) : Satyanarayana U., Chakrapani U.
Title : Biochemistry (with Clinical Concepts & Case Studies) . -4th ed.
Outputed data : New Delhi: Elsevier, 2013
Quantitative characteristics :799 p.: il.
ISBN, Price 978-81-312-3601-7: 300.00 р.
UDC : 612.015 + 612.015:577.1](075.8)=111 + 577.1(075.8)=111
Annotation: This book ‘Biochemistry’ has undoubtedly become one of the most preferred text books (in India and many other countries) by the students as well as teachers in medical, biological and other allied sciences. It is certainly a book of choice and a true companion to all learning biochemistry, hence appropriately regarded by many as ‘Bible of Biochemistry’. This book has undergone three editions, several reprints, and revised reprints in a span of 13 years. The advances in biochemistry are evergrowing due to exponential growth of the subject. Further, the critical comments, frank opinions and constructive suggestions by teachers and students need to be seriously considered. All this necessitates frequent revision of the book. In this fourth edition, a thorough revision and update of each chapter with latest advances has been done. The main emphasis of this edition is an improved orientation and treatment of human biochemistry in health and disease. A wide variety of case studies with relevant biochemical profiles (along with diagnosis and discussion) are newly added as an appendix. In addition, several newer aspects of biochemistry are covered in this edition, some of them are listed below
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Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 612.015/S24
Author(s) : Satyanarayana U., Chakrapani U.
Title : Biochemistry (with Medical Concepts, Clinical Correlates & Case Studies) . -6th ed.
Outputed data : New Delhi: Elsevier, 2021
Quantitative characteristics :777 p.
Notes : Index: p. 757-777
ISBN, Price 978-81-312-6435-5: 387.00 р.
UDC : 612.015 + 612.015:577.1](075.8)=111 + 577.1(075.8)=111
Annotation: Is an amalgamation of Medical and basic sciences, and is comprehensively written, revised, and updated to meet the curriculum requirements of Medical, Pharmacy, Dental, Veterinary, Biotechnology, Agriculture, Life sciences, and others studying Biochemistry as one of the subjects. is written in a lucid style with the subject being presented as an engaging story, growing from elementary information to the most recent advances, and with theoretical discussions being supplemented with illustrations, tables, Medical concepts, clinical correlates, and case studies for easy understanding of Biochemistry. has each chapter beginning with a four-line verse followed by the text with clinical correlates, a summary, and self-assessment exercises. the lively illustrations and text with appropriate headings and sub-headings in bold type faces facilitate reading path clarity and quick recall. All this will help the students to master the subject and boldly face the examinations. describes a variety of case studies with Medical correlations. the case studies are listed at the end of relevant chapters for immediate reference, quick review, and better understanding of Biochemistry. contains the basics (Bioorganic and Biophysical Chemistry, Tools of Biochemistry, Immunology, and Genetics) for beginners to learn easily Biochemistry, origins of biochemical words, confusables in Biochemistry, principles of Practical Biochemistry, and clinical Biochemistry Laboratory
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Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 612.015/M21
Author(s) : Malhotra V. K.
Title : Biochemistry for Students
Outputed data : New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical, 1991
Quantitative characteristics :329 с
ISBN, Price 81-7179-197-2: 10.00 р.
UDC : 612.015 + 612.015:577.1](075.8)=111 + 577.1(075.8)=111
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Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 612.015/M 21
Author(s) : Malhotra V. K.
Title : Biochemistry for Students : textbook . -11th ed.
Outputed data : New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical, 2003
Quantitative characteristics :392 с
Notes : Index: p. 385-392
ISBN, Price 81-8061-038-1: 60.00 р.
UDC : 612.015 + 612.015:577.1](075.8)=111 + 577.1(075.8)=111
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Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 612.015/B60
Author(s) :
Title : Biological and Bioorganic chemistry: in 2 books : national textbook/ B. S. Zimenkovsky [et al.] ; ed.: B. S. Zimenkovsky, V. A. Muzychenko. Book 1: Bioorganic chemistry : textbook for students of higher education establishments
Outputed data : Kyiv: Medicine, 2018
Quantitative characteristics :288 p.
Notes : Bibliogr.: p. 272. - Index: p. 273-287. - Approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (letter № 1/11-3466, 18 March 2016). Published pursuant to the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine № 502 of 22 June 2010. Rec. by the Academic Board of O. O. Bogomolets National Medical University (minutes № 4, 15 February 2013)
ISBN, Price 978-617-505-666-0: 310.00 р.
UDC : 612.015 + 612.015:577.1](075.8)=111 + 577.1(075.8)=111
Annotation: The textbook contains the information about the structure, chemical properties and biological role of organic compounds which take part in human metabolic processes: low-molecular bioregulators (vitamins, hormones, other natural and synthetic biologically active compounds, including certain medications and toxic compounds) and biopolymers (carbohydrates, proteins and nucleic acids). This textbook is recommended for students and teachers of higher education establishments — medical universities, institutes and academies
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Type of document : Multivolume edition
Edition cipher : 612.015/B60
Author(s) :
Title : Biological and Bioorganic Chemistry: in 2 books : national textbook for students of higher medical education establishments-medical universities, institutes end academies/ B. S. Zimenkovsky [et al.] ; eds.: B. S. Zimenkovsky, V. A. Muzychenko. - 2nd ed. Book 1: Bioorganic chemistry : textbook for students of higher education establishments
Outputed data : Kyiv: Medicine, 2019
Quantitative characteristics :288 p.
Notes : Bibliogr.: p. 272 . - Index: p. 273-287. - Approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (letter № 1/11-3466, 18 March 2016). Published pursuant to the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine № 502 as of 22 June 2010). Rec. by the Academic Council of Bogomolets National Medical University as a textbook (minutes № 4, 15 February 2013)
ISBN, Price 978-617-505-757-5: 310.00 р.
UDC : 612.015 + 612.015:577.1](075.8)=111 + 577.1(075.8)=111
Annotation: The textbook contains the information about the structure, chemical properties and biological role of organic compounds which take part in human metabolic processes: low-molecular bioregulators (vitamins, hormones, other natural and synthetic biologically active compounds, including certain medications and toxic compounds) and biopolymers (carbohydrates, proteins and nucleic acids). This textbook is recommended for students and teachers of higher education establishments — medical universities, institutes and academies
Copies : total 4: ІЛ(100)
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Type of document : Multivolume edition
Edition cipher : 612.015/B60
Author(s) :
Title : Biological and Bioorganic chemistry: in 2 books : national textbook/ B. S. Zimenkovsky [et al.] ; eds.: B. S. Zimenkovsky, V. A. Muzychenko. - 3rd ed. Book 1: Bioorganic chemistry : textbook for students of higher education establishments
Outputed data : Kyiv: Medicine, 2020
Quantitative characteristics :288 p.
Notes : Bibliogr.: p. 272 . - Index: p. 273-287. - Approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (letter № 1/11-3466, 18 March 2016). Published pursuant to the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine № 502 as of 22 June 2010). Rec. by the Academic Council of Bogomolets National Medical University as a textbook (minutes № 4, 15 February 2013)
ISBN, Price 978-617-505-791-9: 310.00 р.
UDC : 612.015 + 612.015:577.1](075.8)=111 + 577.1(075.8)=111
Annotation: The textbook contains the information about the structure, chemical properties and biological role of organic compounds which take part in human metabolic processes: low-molecular bioregulators (vitamins, hormones, other natural and synthetic biologically active compounds, including certain medications and toxic compounds) and biopolymers (carbohydrates, proteins and nucleic acids). This textbook is recommended for students and teachers of higher education establishments — medical universities, institutes and academies
Copies : total 16: ІЛ(288)
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Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 612.015/B60
Author(s) : Mardashko A. A., Mironovych L. M., Stepanow G. F., Storchilo O. V.
Title : Biological and Bioorganical Chemistry : teaching textbook
Outputed data : Kyiv: Caravela, 2010
Quantitative characteristics :240 p.
Notes : Bibliogr. : p. 240
ISBN, Price 966-2229-05-9: 70.00 р.
UDC : 612.015 + 612.015:577.1](075.8)=111 + 577.1(075.8)=111
Annotation: The teaching textbook in the Biological and Bioorganic Chemistry for the students self-study contains the short explanation of all discipline chapters, answers the key control questions in the accordance to the Typical Program of the Ukraine health Ministry. This book will help in the orientation in the big volume of material not only to students of the 1-st and 2-nd course both, which study Bioorganic and Biochemical Chemistry, but to the students of 3-rd and 4-th course for the preparation to the license exam "Crock-1". The book is written for the students of the High Medical School of the III - IY levels of accreditation
Copies : total 10: ІЛ(88)
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Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 612.015/G92
Author(s) : Gubskyi Yu. I.
Title : Biological chemistry : textbook for students of medical and pharmaceutical faculties . -2nd ed.
Outputed data : Vinnytsia: Nova Knyha, 2018
Quantitative characteristics :488 p.
Notes : Bibliogr.: p. 487. - Rec. by the High Scientific Board of I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University (Report № 17 of 20.05.2016). Rec. by the Central Commission of Experts in Biological and Medical Chemistry of Health Ministry and National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine (Letter № 23 of 14.04.2016)
ISBN, Price 978-966-382-697-4: 265.00, 350.00, р.
UDC : 612.015 + 612.015:577.1](075.8)=111 + 577.1(075.8)=111
Annotation: Підручник з біологічної хімії складається з 30 розділів і містить текстові матеріали та велику кількість ілюстрацій, у тому числі хімічні формули, реакції та їх рівняння, рисунки складених внутрішньоклітинних перетворень біомолекул і метаболічні “схеми”. Підручник призначений для студентів медичних та фармацевтичних факультетів вищих навчальних закладів України
Copies : total 31: ІЛ(287)
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Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 612.015/G92
Author(s) : Gubskyi Yu. I.
Title : Biological chemistry : textbook . -3rd ed.
Outputed data : Vinnytsya: Nova Knyha, 2020
Quantitative characteristics :488 p.
Notes : Bibliogr.: p. 487. - Rec. by the High Scientific Board of I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University (Report № 17 of 20.05.2016). Rec. by the Central Commission of Experts in Biological and Medical Chemistry of Health Ministry and National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine (Letter № 23 of 14.04.2016)
ISBN, Price 978-966-382-835-0: 350.00 р.
UDC : 612.015 + 612.015:577.1](075.8)=111 + 577.1(075.8)=111
Annotation: The textbook in Biological Chemistry consists of 30 chapters made up of text material and plentiful illustrations, including chemical formulas, reaction equations, drawings depicting complicated intracellular transformations of biomolecules, and metabolic “charts”. The textbook is intended for students of medical and pharmaceutical faculties of higher educational establishments of UkraineПідручник з біологічної хімії складається з 30 розділів і містить текстові матеріали та велику кількість ілюстрацій, у тому числі хімічні формули, реакції та їх рівняння, рисунки складених внутрішньоклітинних перетворень біомолекул і метаболічні “схеми”. Підручник призначений для студентів медичних та фармацевтичних факультетів вищих навчальних закладів України
Copies : total 16: ІЛ(253)
Free : ІЛ(249)
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Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 612.015/G92
Author(s) : Gubskyi Yu. I.
Title : Biological chemistry : textbook for students of medical and pharmaceutical faculties
Outputed data : Vinnytsia: Nova Knyha, 2017
Quantitative characteristics :488 p.: il.
Notes : Bibliogr.: p. 487. - Rec. by the High Scientific Board of I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University (Report № 17 of 20.05.2016). Rec. by the Central Commission of Experts in Biological and Medical Chemistry of Health Ministry and National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine (Letter № 23 of 14.04.2016)
ISBN, Price 978-966-382-609-7: 220.00 р.
UDC : 612.015 + 612.015:577.1](075.8)=111 + 577.1(075.8)=111
Annotation: The textbook in Biological Chemistry consists of 30 chapters made up of text material and plentiful illustrations, including chemical formulas, reaction equations, drawings depicting complicated intracellular transformations of biomolecules, and metabolic “charts”. The textbook is intended for students of medical and pharmaceutical faculties of higher educational establishments of Ukraine. Підручник з біологічної хімії складається з 30 розділів і містить текстові матеріали та велику кількість ілюстрацій, у тому числі хімічні формули, реакції та їх рівняння, рисунки складених внутрішньоклітинних перетворень біомолекул і метаболічні “схеми”. Підручник призначений для студентів медичних та фармацевтичних факультетів вищих навчальних закладів України
Copies : total 11: ІЛ(98)
Free : ІЛ(94)
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Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 612.015/G92
Author(s) : Gubskyi Yu. I.
Title : Bioorganic chemistry : textbook for the students of medical universities
Outputed data : Vinnytsya: Nova Knyha, 2009
Quantitative characteristics :228 p.
ISBN, Price 978-966-382-197-9: 72.00 р.
UDC : 612.015 + 612.015:577.1](075.8)=111 + 577.1(075.8)=111
Annotation: У підручнику містяться відомості про загальні принципи і поняття біоорганічної хімії згідно з вимогами освітніх стандартів до студентів вищих медичних навчальних закладів. Представлена структура і властивості карбонвмісних молекул з акцентом на природні сполуки, особливо гетероцикли, алкалоїди, що застосовуються як лікарські засоби, а також біомолекули, які входять до складу живих організмів, головним чином амінокислоти, ліпіди, білки, нуклеотиди і нуклеїнові кислоти
Copies : total : ІЛ(9)
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Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 612.015/G92
Author(s) : Gubskyi Yu. I.
Title : Bioorganic Chemistry : textbook for the students of medical universities . -2nd ed.
Outputed data : Vinnytsya: Nova Knyha, 2019
Quantitative characteristics :224 с
Notes : Index: p. 218-223. - Rec. by Central Methodological Office for Higher Medical Education of Ministry of Health of Ukraine(report # 1, 19.05.2009)
ISBN, Price 978-966-382-777-3: 110.00 р.
UDC : 612.015 + 612.015:577.1](075.8)=111 + 577.1(075.8)=111
Annotation: Textbook covers the information concerning general principles and notions of bioorganic chemistry according to the level requisite for the educational standards of high medical schools students. Presented are the structure and properties of carbon containing molecules with the special emphasis given to the natural compounds, especially heterocycles, alkaloids applied as pharmaceutical drugs and biomolecules as the constituents of living cells, principally amino acids, lipids, proteins, nucleotides and nucleic acidsУ підручнику містяться відомості про загальні принципи і поняття біоорганічної хімії згідно з вимогами освітніх стандартів до студентів вищих медичних навчальних закладів. Представлена структура і властивості карбонвмісних молекул з акцентом на природні сполуки, особливо гетероцикли, алкалоїди, що застосовуються як лікарські засоби, а також біомолекули, які входять до складу живих організмів, головним чином амінокислоти, ліпіди, білки, нуклеотиди і нуклеїнові кислоти
Copies :ІЛ(1)
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Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 612.015/C61
Title : Clinical Biochemistry: Metabolic and Clinical Aspects . -3rd ed.
Outputed data : Edinburgh [etc.]: Elsevier Saunders, 2014
Quantitative characteristics :X, 932 p.: il.
Notes : Bibliogr. at the end of the chap. - Index: p. 883-932
ISBN, Price 978-0-7020-5140-1: 4339.00 р.
UDC : 612.015 + 612.015:577.1](075.8)=111 + 577.1(075.8)=111 + 616-008.9(075.8)=111
Annotation: Now fully revised and updated, Clinical Biochemistry, third edition is essential reading for specialty trainees, particularly those preparing for postgraduate examinations. It is also an invaluable current reference for all established practitioners, including both medical and scientist clinical biochemistsBuilding on the success of previous editions, this leading textbook primarily focuses on clinical aspects of the subject, giving detailed coverage of all conditions where clinical biochemistry is used in diagnosis and management – including nutritional disorders, diabetes, inherited metabolic disease, metabolic bone disease, renal calculi and dyslipidaemias. The acquisition and interpretation of clinical biochemical data are also discussed in detail
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Type of document : Multivolume edition
Edition cipher : 612.015/A27
Author(s) : Ahmad, Mushtaq
Title : Essentials of Medical Biochemistry/ Mushtaq Ahmad. - 5th ed. Vol. 1
Outputed data : Multan [Pakistan]: Merit, 1996 -
Quantitative characteristics :336 с
Price : 19.00 р.
UDC : 612.015 + 612.015:577.1](075.8)=111 + 577.1(075.8)=111
Copies :ІЛ(1)
Free : ІЛ(1)
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Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 612.015/A54
Author(s) : Anderson, Arthur K.
Title : Essentials of Physiological Chemistry . -3rd ed.
Outputed data : New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1948
Quantitative characteristics :395 с
Price : 20.00 р.
UDC : 612.015 + 612.015:577.1](075.8)=111 + 577.1(075.8)=111
Copies :ІЛ(1)
Free : ІЛ(1)
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Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 612.015/D29
Author(s) : Deb A. C.
Title : Fundamentals of Biochemistry . -5th ed.
Outputed data : Calcutta: New Central Book Agency, 1994
Price : 38.00 р.
UDC : 612.015 + 612.015:577.1](075.8)=111 + 577.1(075.8)=111
Copies :ІЛ(1)
Free : ІЛ(1)
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