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Search inquiry: (<.>U=821.111(410.5)<.>)
Total number of found documents : 48
Shown documents from 1 till 10
 1-10    11-20   21-30   31-40   41-48 

Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 821.111(410.5)/B18
Author(s) : Ballantyne R. M.
Title : The Coral Island : retold for the 8th form of secondary school
Parallel titles :Коралловый остров
Outputed data : Leningrad: State Text-book publishing house, 1958
Quantitative characteristics :112 с
Price : 1.40 р.
UDC : 821.111(410.5) + 811.111(076.6)
Copies :ІЛ(1)
Free : ІЛ(1)
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Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 821.111(410.5)/M44
Author(s) : McDermid, Val
Title : Killing The Shadows
Outputed data : London: Harper Collins, 2001
Quantitative characteristics :561 p.
ISBN, Price 0-00-651418-9: 40.00 р.
UDC : 821.111(410.5) + 821.111.01 + 821.111(410.5)’06
Annotation: A killer is on the loose and he’s blurring the line between fact and fiction. His prey — the writers of crime novels. But this murderer is like no other; his bloodlust shatters all the conventional wisdom on how serial killers operate. And for one woman the desperate hunt to uncover his identity becomes a matter of life and death. Professor Fiona Cameron is an academic psychologist who uses computer technology to track serial offenders. She vowed never to work for the Met again after they went against her advice and badly screwed up an investigation as a result. But when her lover, thriller writer Kit Martin, tells her a fellow novelist has been murdered, Fiona can’t help taking an interest. With the killer striking again, Fiona is caught up in a race against time, not only to save a life, but to bring herself redemption, both personal and professional
Copies :ІЛ(1)
Free : ІЛ(1)
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Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 821.111(410.5)/Б 51
Author(s) : Бёрнс, Роберт,
Title : Стихотворения . Поэмы/ Р. Бёрнс . Шотландские баллады
Outputed data : Москва: Худож. лит., 1976
Quantitative characteristics :447 с
Series: Библиотека всемирной литературы. Литература Древнего Востока, античного мира, средних веков, возрождения, XVII и XVIII веков; сер. 1, т. 47
Price : 1.36, 44.00, р.
UDC : 821.111(410.5) + 821.111(410.5)=161.1 + 821.111(410.5)-1=161.1 + 821.152.2=161.1
Copies : total : ХЛ(2)
Free : ХЛ(2)
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Type of document : Multivolume edition
Edition cipher : 821.111(410.5)/С 44
Author(s) : Скотт, Вальтер, Скотт В.
Title : Собрание сочинений: в 20 т./ В. Скотт ; ред. Б. Г. Реизов, Р. М. Самарина, Б. Б. Томашевский. Т. 7: Ламмермурская невеста ; Легенда о Монтрозе : пер. с англ./ В. Скотт
Outputed data : Москва: Гос. изд-во худож. лит., 1962
Quantitative characteristics :658 с
Price : 16.00 р.
UDC : 821.111(410.5) + 821.111(410.5)=161.1
Copies :ХЛ(1)
Free : ХЛ(1)
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Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 821.111(410.5)/С 76
Author(s) : Стівенсон, Роберт Льюїс
Title : Чорна стріла : пер. з англ.
Outputed data : Київ: Держ. вид-во дит. літ., 1958
Quantitative characteristics :224 с
Price : 15.00 р.
UDC : 821.111(410.5) + 821.111(410.5)=161.2
Copies :ХЛ(1)
Free : ХЛ(1)
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Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 821.111(410.5)/К 83
Author(s) : Кронин, Арчибалд
Title : Замок Броуди : роман : пер. с англ.
Outputed data : Киев: Вища школа, 1989
Quantitative characteristics :512 с :
UDC : 821.111(410.5) + 821.111(410.5)=161.1
Copies :ХЛ(1)
Free : ХЛ(1)
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Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 821(082)/С 44
Author(s) : Скотт, Вальтер, Костер Шарль де
Title : Айвенго : роман : пер. с англ./ В. Скотт . Легенда об Уленшпигеле и Ламме Гудзаке и об их приключениях отважных, забавных и достославных во Фландрии и иных странах : пер. с фр./ Шарль де Костер
Outputed data : Москва: Дет. лит., 1988
Quantitative characteristics :734 с :
UDC : 821(082) + 821.133.1(493) + 821.111(410.5)
Copies :ХЛ(1)
Free : ХЛ(1)
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Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 821.111(410.5)/С 44
Author(s) : Скотт, Вальтер
Title : Айвенго : пер. с англ.
Outputed data : Москва: Правда, 1989
Quantitative characteristics :446 с.: ил. :
UDC : 821.111(410.5) + 821.111(410.5)=161.1
Copies :ХЛ(1)
Free : ХЛ(1)
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Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 821.111(410.5)/С 44
Author(s) : Скотт, Вальтер
Title : Пертская красавица, или Валентинов день : роман
Outputed data : Москва: Правда, 1988
Quantitative characteristics :480 с.: ил. :
UDC : 821.111(410.5) + 821.111(410.5)=161.1
Copies : total : ХЛ(2)
Free : ХЛ(2)
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Type of document : One-volume edition
Edition cipher : 821.111(410.5)/С 44
Author(s) : Скотт, Вальтер
Title : Пуритане : роман : пер. с англ.
Outputed data : Кишинев: Шкоала Советикэ, 1958
Quantitative characteristics :442 с :
UDC : 821.111(410.5) + 821.111(410.5)=161.1
Copies :ХЛ(1)
Free : ХЛ(1)
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