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повний інформаційнийкороткий
Пошуковий запит: (<.>A=Hutchison, James H.$<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Форма документа : Однотомне видання
Шифр видання : 616-053.2/H95
Автор(и) : Hutchison, James H., Cockburn, Forrester
Назва : Practical paediatric problems . -6th ed.
Вихідні дані : Singapore: P G Publishing Pte, 1986
Кільк.характеристики :728 с
Серія: Lloyd-Luke P. G. Asian Economy Edition
ISBN, Ціна 9971-973-75-8: 60.00 р.
УДК : 616-053.2 + 616-053.2=111
Анотація: This edition of Practical Paediatric Problems differs from its predecessors in that it appears under dual authorship. The senior author, recently retired from active practice, has been delighted to be joined by his successor in the Chair of Child Health in the University of Glasgow. Thus we have ensured continuity and a thoroughly up-to-date approach. The basic format of the book remains unchanged but the contents have been extensively revised, as have also the references at the end of each chapter. Particular attention has been paid to the most actively growing points of paediatrics, including neonatology, genetic disorders, oncology, marrow transplantation and the endocrin-opathies. Six new illustrations have been added while one, of the infant pressure chamber, has been omitted. To the senior author’s disappointment hyperbaric oxygen has not become an accepted method of resuscitation of the newborn. We believe that, like its predecessors, this edition will provide a practical account of clinical paediatrics for undergraduates, with the further advantage that it will continue to be useful when they become postgraduates and whether they embark upon a career in paediatrics or in general practice. We are indebted to our secretary Mrs Lena MacLeod for her patience and expert help; Mr J. Devlin of the Department of Medical Illustration, Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow, for the illustrations; and to Dr Ian Barr and Farley Health Products for permission to reproduce Table I (Chapter VII). Finally we wish to point to the fact that although there is now dual authorship the personal approach has not been abandoned. The opinions expressed are shared by both authors, who would be grateful for any constructive criticisms
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